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Everything posted by JoeyandDavid

  1. Avie.. sorry to hear that.. I keep trying to get Jean to stop over here.. but she doesn't want to join the fun.. Oh well..... Costa Rica we are talking about maybe doing the Off Road Adventure.. are you familiar with this excursion?
  2. I wonder if there wil be excursions to euro disney?
  3. Had anyone thought of asking the folks that run our hotels... where they might suggest?
  4. Personally I think we vote for some place close to the hotel.. Opening your own Itialian Retsurant Tonia????? Can you say BonVoyage Venice... The Millie left Venice today
  5. 50-50 mix here ..part of me likes the idea and part thinks Big Brother is Big Enough
  6. Hi Avie, any thoughts on Costa Rica? :smiley: http://www.puntarenas.com/puntarenas/
  7. Thanks Tonia got the information for you and Becki... Two more to go and we have Caught up! Pam & Bob arrive 6AM 10/29 (7010)CaryNC Crazy Now Brenda & Yoel arrive evening of 10/28 ???????(7182) Humblecruiser Crazy Now
  8. I love Chardonnay.. Chablis..zinfeindel definitely a white wine drinker.. the red tends to give me indigestion..
  9. is that the morning of the 19th? yeah i would like that too
  10. Day 1 Fort Lauderdale, Florida January 20, 2007 Day 4 Oranjestad, Aruba Day 6 Panama Canal Fuerte Amador, Panama Day 8 Puntarenas, Costa Rica Day 10 Huatulco, Mexico Day 13Cabo San Lucas, Mexico Day 15 Los Angeles, California February 3rd 2007
  11. Todays' Discussion Topic<] Whats your favorite type of wine? Todays Link<] With our trip to Italy I found this great web site... http://www.winecountry.it
  12. Hey Avie.. when are you guys getting to FLL which Hotel we booked at the Comfort Suites and will be getting to Fort Lauderdale the afternoon of the 18th?
  13. all i got was your last name .. I need a mailing address to mail the pins for you and Becki
  14. Thank you with that one email I got seven taken care of..!! Here is the updated list or as I like to put it then there were 3 :grin:
  15. Just a reminder I have NOT recieved <]mailing information from the following: Tonia & Becki arrive morning of 10/27 Continental Barcelona (9101)Terumin Now Crazy Brenda & Yoel arrive evening of 10/28 ???????(7182) Humblecruiser Now Crazy Pam & Bob arrive 6AM 10/29 (7010)CaryNC Now Crazy I ordered the lapel pins this morning !
  16. Everyone Brenda and yoel have just joined our group.. so lets make them feel welcome!
  17. Hi Brenda and Yoel / humblecruiser, to Cruise Crazies!! Glad you made your way over , The roll call forum for our Mediterranean Cruise is up and running.. We looking forward to finally meeting you!!
  18. Tonia i sent you a PM.. I sure had fun this afternoon talking with the gang.... I tell you that chat room is fun
  19. Most people like Megan's Bay for the beach expierence...we went ..it was fair.. a little too commercial for us.. but indeed was beautiful
  20. Tonia, As of 2:15pm this afternoon I have NOT received your email.
  21. Hey Avie I found this great artilce From sea to shining sea in a dome car: Panama Canal Railway’s passenger train check it out.. what do you think? http://www.trainsmag.com/Content/Dynamic/A...02/861kemxt.asp
  22. How is the planning of your excursions going? Are you almost ready? Our Itinerary looks like this: Barcelona …on our own Villefranche…. Pvt Tour David’s Birthday Livorno/Pisa…. We are doing the Tuscany Countryside Tour with Jackie and Tony Rome… Pvt Tour with Gail and Paul and Jackie and Tony Naples…on our own no plans made yet Santorini ….On our own most likely the donkey ride up the mountain Athens … .On our Own .We opted for public transportation trains Croatia… Once again on our Own David works with someone from Dubrovnik and told him that navigation is simple . Venice…No firm Plans How about you guys.. <]
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