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Everything posted by JoeyandDavid

  1. Hi We truly enjoyed both Tortola, and St Maarten....We were scheduled to see Barbados when we were on the Century but it was canceled and we are not much help on Dominica either...St Thomas is a tourist trap we didn't care for it at all.. Wish I could have been more help.. but that's all I know
  2. Hi jlee, Welcome to Cruise Crazies!! Hope to see you posting often!
  3. Hi maggie4219, Welcome to Cruise Crazies!! Hope to see you posting often!
  4. Hi jafguard78, Welcome to Cruise Crazies!! Hope to see you posting often!
  5. Hi laurashelby, Welcome to Cruise Crazies!! Hope to see you posting often!
  6. congratulations suzie on the ship board credit!! It pays to be diligent :grin:
  7. To me its more like .....fun formal.. takes us back to a time when folks thought it was "fun" to dress for dinner.....Men in nice suits or tuxes.. women in fun sparkled dresses corsage and boutonnière :D..occasionally your see a young child maybe 5 years old in their tux or dress... and you just smile.. It is true.. not everyone dresses for dinner ..Thats ok.... we do we think its a blast......
  8. Hi bandara, Welcome to Cruise Crazies!! Hope to see you posting often!
  9. Thanks skipper for your review... I read your review with great interest as many of the same ports of call will be on our trip in January....
  10. Joan and Joe Thanks for your review…..It was truly enlightening
  11. Oh ...ok ... great information... TY sir
  12. Hi jlee2070 I dont understand your question .. are you flying into MIA at 11:45? out of MIA at 11:45? Is MIA disembarkation or is FLL? IF I take it that you are flying out of MIA and your ship docks in MIA i would think 11:45 should be fine.. IF your docking in FLL dont know if I would have booked that early.. If you are flying INTO MIA day of embarkation 11:45AM you should be fine with a 5 pm sail time. If I didnt answer your question...I'm sorry..... :smiley:
  13. Mebert I dont want to soap box this .. but imo National Security IS the problem. :wink: I dont want a delay i want secure boarders..YESTERDAY
  14. ok Great information ... I am beginning to understand..I think... :smiley: So, if I would wanted to sail book a cruise out of Rio for example .. I would need to get a visa before I could book the cruise? or is that something that the cruise walks me thru.....
  15. Recently on a thread there was some advice given that if you wanted to do a private tour of St Petersburg Russia you would have to apply for a visa. MY questions are these: 1) Whats the difference between a Visa and a Passport? 2) Why do some countries require visas and some passports? 3 How do you know in advance which one you would need? Guys any insight would..Thanks
  16. Hi jlee2070, Welcome to CruiseCrazies.. if your flying in Day of the cruise I would check into doing a transfer sponsored by the cruiseline. Your TA should be able to make these arrangements for you. If you are arriving early and will be staying at a hotel... you may want to consider a shuttle service. I know we have several members that live in that area for instance Jeff or as we call him DaCruzNut and/ or our hostesses with the mostest ;Miss Cheryl or as she is better known gottacruz may be able to advise.
  17. WOW i would have never imagined...... Great information thanks John G.. JBond thank you too... Two excellent posts
  18. Hi mbuchner, Welcome to Cruise Crazies!! Hope to see you posting often!
  19. This is so true John....... ON EVERY one of your points... Personally I will be glad when forums no longer need posts about passports
  20. I wish I could help you but we havent visited that part of the world...........yet....sorry........ :wink:
  21. Hi sevilleqtr, Welcome to Cruise Crazies!! Hope to see you posting often!
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