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Everything posted by JoeyandDavid

  1. great site Joe.. great information Thank you!
  2. Hi Welcome to Cruise Crazies!! Hope to see you posting often!
  3. .No I agree Joe its just a bunch of little deals turning into one big deal.. I am just an alarmist I guess If I could have prepaid the tours to guarantee my actual cost I would have
  4. Thats a wonderful point for those ports that we dont have something already scheduled.. I feel better already.... 1.32 to 1.35 really ...but it went back down.. does anyone know what the 3 year low would be?
  5. Congratulations skipper on winning the trivia contest! What was first prize? I bet you got some great pictures both still and video… You are just getting us excited about our turn thru the canal. Thanks for the update!
  6. Maria that sounds excitin.. too bad we are sailing on the 20th out of FLL to do the canal.... I will be ready to join you guys on the one after this one ..I hope!
  7. Hey Skipper thanks for checking in ..... it must be exciting going thru the canal.. look forward to your pictures and posts upon your return! Have a good time :smiley:
  8. [Hi Welcome to Cruise Crazies!! Hope to see you posting often!
  9. Longboysfan/Thomas Thanks for such a detailed review I enjoyed it immensely. Almost like sailing with you Thanks.. Could you talk about dinner at the captains table… what’s that like? It sounds like the worst part was the transportation to the port! Thanks again for the review and pat Morgan for me!
  10. Rose did your friends confirm teh party atmosphere?
  11. Has anyone else noticed the dollar weakening by a nickel against the euro its up to 1.279 I believe..and lets not even talk about against the pound MY trip just got more expensive
  12. Hi cannon_fodder, Welcome to Cruise Crazies!! Hope to see you posting often!
  13. Hi cannon_fodder, and welcome to CruiseCrazies. Glad you joined us ! Having never sailed out of Port Canaveral I too gather from this thread that it is about an hour away from the airport in Orlando .. and that’s with great conditions.. no traffic snarls.. so add another hour as a cushion and since your flying I guess domestically you need to be at the airport at least an hour ahead if you are checking luggage… now we are up to three hours.. so now you need to be off the ship and baggage in hand by nine in the morning heading to the airport in order to make a noon flight.. that’s in my humble opinion. If it was me I think I would be scheduling a 1:30 pm flight. Good luck
  14. Hi Joe We live in LA County in the Valley... Santa Barbara is a bout 60/90 minutes 101 north so the wine region of santa barara and san luis obispo is a nice day trip for us and even a nicer weekend get away
  15. we do need to make another wine run before the end of the year.....very good suggestion Joe
  16. What can you tell me about the Monarch Of The Seas ... I am considering taking DP on a 3/4 night getaway.. here in the next few weeks. I know nothing of rccl Comments any rccl'ers... thanks
  17. Popsec Congratulations on the docs!! we will always dance with you!
  18. Most definitely Jbond as much as you guys stay on the go..... anything could happen at any time.. I was reading where an emergency airlift to the United States could easily run 250,000 usd. Very good point Jbond thanks
  19. [Hi frostw, Welcome to Cruise Crazies!! Hope to see you posting often!
  20. Hi feather, Welcome to Cruise Crazies!! Hope to see you posting often!
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