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Everything posted by JoeyandDavid

  1. That sounds like a great deal...look forward to your thoughts :smiley:
  2. BonVoyage Susantn Have a Great time!
  3. Hi Joe, I saw the Press release and thought to myself Why? Then I wondered if that "solid block" of ice couldnt somehow become a marketing tool.. with a little chisel it could be a logo (for fee) for a company or advertising for anything else.. It does have marketing possibilities....however personally I don’t understand the whole fascination with the ice thing to begin with. Thanks for the post
  4. Hi Teacp, Thanks Maria for taking the time to give us your observations. Glad you and Ken had a good time.. You guys did 2 things I have been wanting to do which is ride a scooter in Bermuda and actually going to Bermuda.LOL thanks for sharing
  5. Jason could you check teacp and mebert reviews are the same no?
  6. Hey Mebert sounds like you had a nice time! Congratulations on the big win in the Casino!!:grin: You are not the first who has recently had negative things about the transfers from MIA so you found the Nude beach in st Maarten huh Glad your back.. and thanks for a great review!
  7. Tut and Larry, Congratulations and BonVoyage Hope you guys have a great time.
  8. Yeah!! Welcome Home, Mebert !!Glad your back , you sure were missed!!<] Look forward to reading your review, and was sorry about your transportation problems :undecided:
  9. Hi welcome to Cruise Crazies.. We are also scheduled to do this same Itinerary in October. Typically on a 12 night cruise there will be 3 formal nights 3 informal nights and 6 casual… It really is up to the Cruise Director to make the final call…. The first formal night is normally the 2nd night of the cruise which normally is the first sea day as to when they actual days lay out its difficult to say, I wish I could be more specific for you , however I just don’t know. I would rather give you an I don’t know then give you an answer that is WRONG!. I hope you will take the time to write a review of the voyage when you return. And if you would like to compare planning notes I stand ready! Once again Welcome to CruiseCrazies
  10. Popsec, Clad you had a wonderful cruise on Celebrity Constellation, not bad for a second cruise…LOL Sorry to hear about your uncomfortable bed and pillows, but was glad to hear they didn’t spoil what seemed to be a great cruise. Isn’t it nice when Celebrity treats you “famously “ and it sounds like Paul is being trained well. So happy you had a great experience all away around. I agree st Maarten is one of our favorite islands too! So where’s next? Popsec, Thanks again for sharing!
  11. Chris Thanks for taking the time to put your thoughts on paper concerning your recent cruise to Bermuda upon the Carnival Legend $24 dollars a day I am saying ouch with you on that… but 15 minutes is excellent timing to get on board. I am really looking forward to your sunset shots of new York any idea when those may be posted…. How would you compare the zoo’s to the ones in the states? Any favorite foods that you discovered on board? Once again Chris thanks for taking the time to put it to paper.. It really did sound like “fun was had by allâ€Â
  12. Hi pacruiser, Welcome to Cruise Crazies!! Hope to see you posting often!
  13. Hi Jumbie, and welcome to CruiseCrazies the advice and explanation that jbond gave was outstanding. You guys just need to sit back and enjoy the ride.
  14. Hi Jumbie, Welcome to Cruise Crazies!! Hope to see you posting often!
  15. Skipper have a great time , look forward to your observations when you get back! smooth seas!
  16. I look forward to reading what you thought of your cruise. Thanks for taking the tiem to post it!
  17. Peb Have a great time ...Bon Voyage!!
  18. Hi gdetanner, Welcome to Cruise Crazies!! Hope to see you posting often!
  19. I am looking forward to your review Chris when Jason Posts! Did you include Karens observations or will she write still a third review?
  20. Hi Welcome to Cruise Crazies!! Hope to see you posting often!
  21. at least we can say we saild her when....No plans as of yet to sail "the New Century" but if we see something worth while we may Thanks for the story Joe
  22. timecop congrats on the docs David and I will be happy to dance with you
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