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Everything posted by JoeyandDavid

  1. but isn’t that the initials for most American businesses? :huh:
  2. south America sounds good........ we have done the Mexican run to death.. but as a team player we are open to all suggestions :grin:
  3. May June and November...November works for us too we normally go off somewhere for DP birthday around halloween anyway..
  4. Bravo!! sounds as if RCCL and X are leading the way once again!
  5. in the word of Ronald Reagan................WELL............ :wink:
  6. LOL @ mebert ... :grin: :grin: I agree
  7. Alan, unfortunately there are some ships that don’t Recognize Friends of anyone meetings. When we were on the Century I ask the Cruise Director Alan King about Celebrities “Official Policy regarding FOD meetings he told me that Celebrity would leave that up to the discretion of the Cruise Director but they shouldn’t mention it in the daily bulletin. He also said he couldn’t see why the didn’t have more FOD meetings as he put it†it would give us a chance to sell more booze†After that conversation I realized that they will have a lovers of donkey meetings if they thought they could turn a buck! But you didn’t hear that from me. Smooth Seas Alan
  8. Hi Welcome to Cruise Crazies!! Hope to see you posting soon!
  9. Mebert it could be that up to know they focused more on non US guests. everyone knows how demanding Americans can be :grin:
  10. oH wow Santa brought you a cool gift...all i got was underware :grin:
  11. wow sounds like you didnt care for them :undecided: sorry about that
  12. Brava... glad you guys had a nice time!... your review was.. well ...how do i say it...KEWL! thanks for sharing :grin:
  13. Hi Welcome to Cruise Crazies!! CYPBEV Hope to see you posting soon!
  14. Keith and Kita Bon Voyage!! Your plane leaves for Houston Tuesday and your Cruise starts Thursday!!We are so excited for you guys! We hope that you both have a healthy fun field Cruise...I know its been a long countdown and NOW its YOUR TURN!! You two have a blast! Enjoy the Sun and the sunshine! And travel Safely we will miss you!<]
  15. Hi Welcome to Cruise Crazies!! Hope to see you posting soon!
  16. Jason has anyone gave the correct answer???? I think Kruz<] figured it out its the landing strip of st John
  17. it appears that there are 3 seasons that are popular Winter (jan feb mar) Summer (jun july aug) Fall (Oct Nov Dec) If you havent voted please do so
  18. That’s why we plan so far out all we have available at this point is possibly 9 days the second half of 07.. and all of 08... David can take Vacation at anytime he wants he just needs to claim it a year out (Amtrak.. go figure) If anyone happens to see something fun.. well lets work out the details! Anyone with us on this? :grin:
  19. That was cute… I likeded that :wink:
  20. Ok Gang maybe I shouldn’t do this, But this aint that hard .. Jason is the official Judge and jury and when he says we have a â€Âwinner “ we Have a Winner†Here is my only clue… reread all the guesses and eliminate all the saints mentioned and you may have the answer… :grin:
  21. Hi Welcome to Cruise Crazies!! Hope to see you posting soon!
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