Welcome home, Glad your experience was "educational".
And welcome to the ongoing discussion of cruiseline squeezing nickels and dimes, I know the shock of realization that the cruise price isn't the only expense, but when you sit down and "crunch" the numbers it still comes back as a good "all inclusive" value.
I have been a long time advocate of firming up cruise prices to include tips, and extras like sodas and specialty coffees.
Paying one price makes it easier, and then if a crew member deserved extra it would definitely mean more to them than a "pre-arranged" tip.
Cary177, remember just because they hand you a piece of paper that says you "should "tip a certain amount in no way means YOU HAVE GOT to pay that amount, you can always adjust it to meet the standard of service that was delivered.
However by your own account that wasn’t an issue, glad you was treated so wonderful, and once again welcome back to reality!