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Everything posted by JoeyandDavid

  1. Well we have done the Mexican Rivera and Caribbean, and we are booked on a Mediterranean adventure Barcelona to Venice and then we are off to the Panama Canal FLL to LAX.. We would still like to do Alaska and northern Europe, But I shouldn’t complain we have made a big dent in our to do list in 5 years!
  2. Thanks for the news article SKOALboy I honestly believe some take others on crusies to dump the body....What I dont see is how they cant come up with any solid suspects.....is the soulution more cameras? I dunno
  3. Those are the nicest Presents... :grin: I am so happy for you guys Rose you should be happy!!
  4. lilrose.. I wish i could blink my eyes and make it happen for you... Enjoy your time off!
  5. I love the planning.. its like this huge production that I am producing and after all the planning is done..the real joybegins for me while I sit back and watch it play out .. its truely exciting for me Especially when I see the speculation come to be realization.. nothing beats that to me.
  6. Nah Qmadam thats what its all about the EXCITMENT! It's so funny our next two vessels are the Millie and the summit .. we have the same cabin number on both too! 9160 aft you know :wink:
  7. Ann We are so excited for you guys have a great time .. you will be missed! AND MERRY CHRISTMAS!!
  8. ok so there is no firm Itinerary as we speak only speculation....... so the Hunt is on for a group thing(if thats possible ..and if it's not thats ok too!) we have many ports to choose from .. and as far as we are concerned its no biggy which one we sail from....... So if you are interested please put your vote in for month of preference and let s see what everyone thinks last half works best for us but we are flexible depending on duration. :grin:
  9. Welcome back Peddler, Its nice to have you home Jim
  10. Jim thanks for the nice review 4 outa 5 stars not bad huh... Glad you guys had a great vacation! :grin:
  11. jacketwatch.... Sounds terriffic.. I am noticing a few ships that allow pre boarding a day early.. I think that is availible on the Venice to Barcelona itinerary.. I know you guys are going love that trip
  12. who Knows guys it could be a thing where thats the time a year a bunch want to get together.. This far out I was hoping more people could maybe maniplulate their schedules.. I certainly Know there are some fields where THAT JUST CAN"T HAPPEN.. And it may be a short duration cruise too .. You never know what great minds come up with ! :grin:
  13. Next time you want to start a poll just list the ansers and the software does the rest..Example yes no i dont know that is all there is to it!
  14. If there is enough interest 8 cabins minimum for an "offical" group... we need a volunteer/s to organize. ( i will lend my assistance if desired)
  15. Qmadam, how do you know you wont be givin a table for two in the first place...if your concerned, When you board which ever vessel you are cruising make a B line to the Matre D.. they are always set up and ready... ask if they can change if you are not already assigned a duce, if he hesitates slip him what ever you think ($10 usd)and say well we sure would appricate it and be sure to throw in the line "you know this is our 35th anniversary Cruise", plus the fact your back to back.. do you have the same cabin for both itinteraries? I would imagine you are already been given a table for two....ask your TA to inquiry for you! Good luck.. and Congratulations on 35 years.. when are you sailing?
  16. all i can tell you from my limited expierence jacketwatch is that they made us feel terriffic .. we have 2 more booked as I type... there are a lot of reasons people dont have a good time. And with out know which ship he sailed it woudl be hard to comment further. I will say that I have heard and READ glowing remarks about a few of the most recent sailings upon some of the Century Class ships. Did your gym buddy tell you which ship they were on ?
  17. oh my.. dream fantasy sequence ..ENGAGE!!!! :grin:
  18. ENVY<] Congratulations on the booking .. when where..etc :grin:
  19. a better way might be be "whether or not you use a TA take charge of YOUR booking and always verify"
  20. Hi Welcome to Cruise Crazies!! Hope to see you posting soon!
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