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Everything posted by JoeyandDavid

  1. Yeah I agree with DH..transporting 5 is 2 cabs... so i guess unless you have some other problem YOUR DONE!!! oh wait.. you have one more thing to do.....HAVE FUN!! I am so glad you have it done, I know how you stressed.... :grin:
  2. Hi Divey, we havent had the pleasure either, but Im Sure a couple members have to say the least.. opinions are forthwith .. :wink:
  3. Excellent news Ann! Congratulations<] Now we have got to get you from the airport to the hotel .. that's next right? and there is 8 of you?
  4. Mary, I know how you feel, We will miss you, After planning a year, its time to sit back relax and enjoy your B2B, take lots of pictures.. and you and Andre have the time of your lives ..(at least until the next time!) Bon Voyage Enjoy! :grin: :grin:
  5. Thanks .......Brat, Rose, Chris, and Mary Lou.. Plus this is the first time we will sail twice with in a 60 day period....like I say it should be fun..anyone want to join the party? :grin: its only 14 days
  6. I will repeat get on the phone to supervisor and insist on firing your TA. You are the guest take charge!~!
  7. You got that right rose...plus .....it aint right! :grin:
  8. hmmmm it all smells .... i would be on the phone to somebodies supervisor.. but hey thats just me :undecided:
  9. Excuse me they should be pleased to take your order if you gte with a credit card.... that other crap is bull.. just pre-pay the fare in advance...make them have a sign with your name on it at baggage claim.
  10. OK Ann lets see if we can get you and your family taken care of.. what can we do to help.. what is unclear.?
  11. Shari Thanks !! Joan and Joe.. I hear you unfortunately my dp only has 4 weeks a year until he retires.. so we are limited to what we can do.. We may very well consider Radisson for the second half of 07.. we have also been peeking at MSC. This is kind of cool though we had this Itinerary scheduled for February of 06 and then canceled it .. and now we have rebooked it with friends. But the thing I am getting a kick out of is we have the same cabin 9160 on two separate ships.. The Millie and the Summit. NOW once and for all I will find out if the difference is limited only service!? Or are there other differences between Millennium class ships.
  12. Suzila .. Yes the PC it is going to be so dang AWESOME!! I hope i figure out the camera by then.. of course there is always the Video. Cruisinmama~ they are already getting that gety laugh so i think they are on their way to becoming hooked :wink:
  13. Hey Gina.. That is OUTSTANDING.... glad your jumping in and really look forward to hearing about your disney expeirences!
  14. Thanks Miss C ..Mr Jason.. This should be fun
  15. Hi Welcome to Cruise Crazies!! Hope to see you posting soon!
  16. Mebert i found it off from another site .. if you want you can do what I did.... right click on it and copy and paste into a word document make it yours then post it back :grin:
  17. Hi Welcome to Cruise Crazies!! Hope to see you posting soon! <]
  18. Thank you Maaaaam.. and you and Andre' have a great time.. you hear?! when you leave tommorrow(tuesday or wednesday)?
  19. Last evening we went over to friends house for a belated Thanksgiving meal. For dessert, we booked a cruise... talk about sweet!!! LOL Our friends haven’t been on a cruise before.. So finally last night, after they kept complaining that we never vacation together, after telling them we are planning 07 they finally caved in.. And we are off on The Celebrity Summit ....they already know I'm Crazy... David tells them I have become Crazie... How much you wanna bet that after I am thru with them they will be just like us ....Crazy not to discuss Cruising on Crazies. January 20th, 2007 14 nights FLL to LAX :grin: :grin:
  20. Hi Welcome to Cruise Crazies!! Hope to see you posting soon!
  21. Hi Welcome to Cruise Crazies!! Hope to see you posting soon!
  22. Hi Welcome to Cruise Crazies!! Hope to see you posting soon!
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