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Everything posted by JoeyandDavid

  1. Welcome Back Rat.... Glad your home!
  2. Keith no worries I used to remember what it was too but I forgot
  3. BUT the food on the Century..OMGosh..such great foods, so little time
  4. We say Celebrity, realizing that both RCI and Celebrity uses the same procedures now
  5. we went with HAL on this one
  6. Keith, we voted Celebrity also, but Celebrity only has one vote.....hmmmmmm :grin: :grin:
  7. Hi Welcome to Cruise Crazies!! Hope to see you posting soon!
  8. Hi Welcome to Cruise Crazies!! Hope to see you posting soon!
  9. Hey Mebert, Thank you for doing this "extra" survey stuff, the results will be interesting!.. I know it takes a lot of work to do what your doing, I for one am appreciative!.. Plus it helps you on your way to your Penthouse too! :grin:
  10. Mebert you know I will participate .I love polls... if I loved polls any more you would swear I came from Warsaw! LOL
  11. Hi Jose! Ken did you a good thing by setting you guys up here! No unfortunately we wont be sailing with you guys.. HOWEVER, st Maarten is one of our favorite spots... The French side is very "gay friendly" (French side is the other side of the island, but is very accessible. Your itinerary is terrific and you guys will love Celebrity. Please don’t be a stranger and if you guys have any questions there is almost undoubtedly someone here that should have the correct answer or at least give you a lead to where you may find the right answer. So glad you and ken joined this sight..
  12. Jeff is my source for information in Southern FL... :grin: :grin: :grin:
  13. Hi Welcome to Cruise Crazies!! Hope to see you post soon!
  14. Ann to tell you the truth I am impressed with our own JohnG, If I ever wanted to go thru a TA I would probably Give him a chance to earn my business. However, up to now I love the planning and don’t want to give up that much power. However, if you want the convenience of a TA I think a nice email is at least worth exploring your options for next time.
  15. Congratulations Mary on FINALLY RECEIVING your docs!!! We all dancing with you :wink:
  16. CONGRATULATIONS!! 5000 POSTS !!!!! Enjoy your new accommodations! On your New Deck! <] Yeah! Mary YEAH!I know how you have wanted This penthouse, We will be up for pre dinner beverages after youand Andre are all settled in!!<] and a small p.s....for all you do around here ! thank you! <]
  17. Hi Welcome to Cruise Crazies!! Hope to see you post soon!
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