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Everything posted by JoeyandDavid

  1. Lauren when you are ready to provide your dinner and cabin information we will add it to the list!! So far
  2. Hey lauren glad things are working out... welcome to the group!!
  3. I guess what Judson was saying none of the other options even registered support at this posting.. this selection recieved 5 out of the possible 9 votes although we still havent heard from (from our list) lashl - Late Seating - Cabin 6098 - Room for One Night JohnG -Late Seating - Cabin 6114 Rat - Late Seating - Cabin 8046 JoeyandDavid - Late Seating - Cabin 8170 - Room for Two Nights Eddiesgal - Early Seating -Cabin 9201<] So i think to be fair we need to hear what they have to say... after all we wont need to wear these for at least 400 days..LOL I sent emails out to everyone asking them to come online and express their opinions and concerns... but i do agree we are seing a major trend.. so for everyone here are the options again..
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