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About Me
Well what to say to sum me up??
I'm a mom to 3 .. twins are in University ..
1 graduates this year from High School..
It's been horrendous few years but the kids & I learnt that even if you hit rock bottom the stars are still beautiful and One day at a time, One step at a time we can DO IT!! and we did !! your never too old to mend a broken heart and find someone who will hold your hand and wipe your tears as you do. I found that man and I am truly blessed.
I learned that Dr's who put time limits on peoples lives do not know everything !! I put a time limit on that Dr. and found a new one ;0)
So about me? I take each day if I am allowed to have that day and I say "I Love you" every day to those I love and enjoy every moment of it and hope for the next day to come.