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Everything posted by Gregswife

  1. Jennifer, glad to have you aboard the greatest forum afloat. I feel so at home here, and I am sure that in no time, you will be saying the same.
  2. TheSimmons, glad to have you aboard the greatest forum afloat. I feel so at home here, and I am sure that in no time, you will be saying the same.
  3. Interest, glad to have you aboard the greatest forum afloat. I feel so at home here, and I am sure that in no time, you will be saying the same.
  4. Dee, glad to have you aboard the greatest forum afloat. I feel so at home here, and I am sure that in no time, you will be saying the same.
  5. Sunbeam, hope you have a wonderful time. I am not familiar with Publix so can't answer that question. Does the ship allow you to carry on wine? Just asking because I have heard that some lines will deny you boarding if they catch you trying to sneak it on. I am not sure if that is the case, but have heard it - in fact I think I heard it here at this forum, so maybe someone else could answer that too. I know you must be so excited - I wish my cruise was that close. Happy sailing....
  6. John, we have been on the Victory and had a mid ship balcony cabin on Empress deck. I say go for it and have a wonderful time. By the way welcome to the forum - glad to see you jumping right in....
  7. kiaten20, glad to have you aboard the greatest forum afloat. I feel so at home here, and I am sure that in no time, you will be saying the same.
  8. Vinnie00, glad to have you aboard the greatest forum afloat. I feel so at home here, and I am sure that in no time, you will be saying the same.
  9. ShortyV22, glad to have you aboard the greatest forum afloat. I feel so at home here, and I am sure that in no time, you will be saying the same.
  10. Byron, glad you had a wonderful time away with the Mrs. I look forward to reading your review. Welcome back.
  11. Dorcy48135, glad to have you aboard the greatest forum afloat. I feel so at home here, and I am sure that in no time, you will be saying the same.
  12. Hard2Choose2, glad to have you aboard the greatest forum afloat. I feel so at home here, and I am sure that in no time, you will be saying the same.
  13. Boone829, glad to have you aboard the greatest forum afloat. I feel so at home here, and I am sure that in no time, you will be saying the same.
  14. Actually Stephen, Lysol is always on my travel list - okay, call me compulsive, but I just have to spray the remote, phone and toilet flush handle, among other things such as all the doorknobs. I always carry hand sanitizer in my purse and car, and I am one of those crazy people you see at the grocery store who goes and grabs one of the sanitizing towlettes and wipes down the handle of the shopping cart before I touch it...
  15. So someday if we see someone on a shore excursion with a dead lady strapped to the top of the vehicle like in the movie Vacation we can just assume it is Sue finishing up her trip....
  16. Charlie, I know that the Coast Guard requires the drill - I just think that once you have been to 5 or so you should get an exception - they are all the same. Here you are standing in the sweltering heat, with sweat runnng all over you, and I can't help but think how many other people have prespired all over that same life jacket, and I am sure they don't sanitize those things.....Yuck
  17. Stephen, I don't know what I would do but I just had to laugh when I read your post...does it sound like someone we know here who runs that late????
  18. I Josiah, glad to have you aboard the greatest forum afloat. I feel so at home here, and I am sure that in no time, you will be saying the same.
  19. Mickip13, glad to have you aboard the greatest forum afloat. I feel so at home here, and I am sure that in no time, you will be saying the same.
  20. Mrsgauthier6, glad to have you aboard the greatest forum afloat. I feel so at home here, and I am sure that in no time, you will be saying the same.
  21. I posted the link to my son's shop but didn't know the website is being worked on so when you click on the thumbnails, you don't get an enlarged pic right now. He did a tiger that went all the way down a guy's back and it was so beautiful and he used to have it on his website but took it off. I called him yesterday and told him to put it back on we'll see if he minds his mother!!!
  22. All of our cruises have been on Carnival - can't really pick a favorite one as they have all been great. We really like snorkeling, and have been on numerous cruises that go to Grand Cayman. As much as I enjoy snorkeling, I ALWAYS get sick, guess a combination of sucking down too much salt water and the motion of the ocean. Beach snorkeling is best for us because I can get out and lay on solid ground if I start feeling yucky. In Grand Cayman, there is a great place to do this just about 2 or 3 blocks from the pier. Our next cruise also has Grand Cayman as a port of call....
  23. Cathy, I am glad you found us. Hope to see you posting lots - if so, it won't be long until you have your ocean view cabin and then a balcony, and then a suite, etc. I have a question - you said you went on the Conquest in 2006 - during the lifeboat drill, did you have to don your life jacket and go stand outside at your muster station or was it held in one of the lounges? We are sailing on the Conquest next cruise and I was wondering about this. On our first cruise (all Carnival), we had to stand outside, the next one we got to sit in the lounge, the next 4 were outside at the muster station and we have "ducked out" of the last 4, but are traveling with friends this time and I promised her we wouldn't play hookie at this one...
  24. Becky I have tried to find that myself because I am booking one for me and my friend, but cannot find the prices - I am just figuring $100 each - if it less, I am ahead of the game, and if it is more, oh well, I am sure it will be worth it....
  25. Friendship Teacher - I saw you were online earlier, and was hoping you would answer our pleas for the gossip to be told. Bumping this up in case you didn't see it.....
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