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Everything posted by Gregswife

  1. Soxfancruiser, glad to have you aboard the greatest forum afloat. I feel so at home here, and I am sure that in no time, you will be saying the same.
  2. jwitt2, glad to have you aboard the greatest forum afloat. I feel so at home here, and I am sure that in no time, you will be saying the same.
  3. alphakitty, glad to have you aboard the greatest forum afloat. I feel so at home here, and I am sure that in no time, you will be saying the same.
  4. ilotrl12, glad to have you aboard the greatest forum afloat. I feel so at home here, and I am sure that in no time, you will be saying the same.
  5. Paula313, glad to have you aboard the greatest forum afloat. I feel so at home here, and I am sure that in no time, you will be saying the same.
  6. mustymom, glad to have you aboard the greatest forum afloat. I feel so at home here, and I am sure that in no time, you will be saying the same.
  7. dudahh, glad to have you aboard the greatest forum afloat. I feel so at home here, and I am sure that in no time, you will be saying the same.
  8. Congrats Mercedes - you are sailing on my birthday!!!
  9. larguzman, glad to have you aboard the greatest forum afloat. I feel so at home here, and I am sure that in no time, you will be saying the same.
  10. we2luv2cruz, glad to have you aboard the greatest forum afloat. I feel so at home here, and I am sure that in no time, you will be saying the same.
  11. westernmom, glad to have you aboard the greatest forum afloat. I feel so at home here, and I am sure that in no time, you will be saying the same.
  12. Enjoyed looking at your pics Cheryl. I got my sons those same HoHoHo boxers at Kohl's - they come with a Santa hat.
  13. Congrats to all of you SDM's - if for some reason you decide not to take your cruise, hubby and I will be glad to fill in for you...
  14. culinaryquest, glad to have you aboard the greatest forum afloat. I feel so at home here, and I am sure that in no time, you will be saying the same.
  15. Catskillcruiser, glad to have you aboard the greatest forum afloat. I feel so at home here, and I am sure that in no time, you will be saying the same.
  16. Congrats on the docs Joey. Doesn't it make it seem all the more real....
  17. Protocrone - Bon Voyage. I hope you have a wonderful cruise. As we are in the middle of a blizzard here, I wish I was going too!!!!!
  18. Rat, hope you have a wonderful and relaxing cruise. Bon Voyage.....
  19. Faith, glad to have you aboard the greatest forum afloat. I feel so at home here, and I am sure that in no time, you will be saying the same.
  20. Null, glad to have you aboard the greatest forum afloat. I feel so at home here, and I am sure that in no time, you will be saying the same.
  21. CHeryl, I wish you, Wayne and your daughter the best cruise ever. Hope it will be a time of renewal of energy for all of you...
  22. FrostyBoy, happy to hear from you. Hopefully when things slow down for you, you can visit us more often. We have something booked for '07, but closer to the end. Sailing on the Conquest next Nov.
  23. Great Job Jason, but then I have come to learn to expect nothing less from you. Your mom and I have become good friends and being the amazing woman she is, I have no doubt she instilled the same in you!!! You are doing an absolutely amazing job, youmg man...see, I can call you that because you are younger than my babies!!! Please excuse that this post appears to have been writtien in pig latin. I wrote it after taking my nightly muscle relaxers and sleeping pill and I think they affected more than I thought. I tried to fix the typo's but excuse me if I missed any...
  24. Cheryl, I am happy for you - I think you could really use the break. Maybe even treat yourself to a massage in the spa. Is this a weekend cruise, or will you be gone over Christmas? Either way,I wish you much rest and relaxation.
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