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About dawson21


  • Last Cruise Date
  1. Thanks Jason! that is really a wonderful gift!!! am looking forward to getting my first issue and learn lots more about cruising! you rock
  2. Welcome aboard Vanessa! happy to have you here. jump right in and join in all the fun.
  3. Welcome aboard ripplegirl! jump right in anywhere, anytime. looking forward to hearing lots from you!
  4. Welcome aboard maybelater! looking forward to hearing lots from you. feel free to jump in anywhere, anytime!
  5. Bon Voyage Mary Lou, Jim, Heather, and Caitlin! have a wonderful time together!!!!! looking forward to hearing all about it when you return. happy sailing all!
  6. Welcome aboard sthrnruby! jump in and join in the fun real soon!
  7. Welcome aboard godivia!!!!!! looking forward to hearing from you soon.
  8. Welcome bigdog!!!!!!! jump right in anytime, any place! you will have fun here and learn lots about cruising! join in the fun soon.
  9. Happy Sailing Mr.Pete!!!!!!!!!!!
  10. Welcome janepaul!!!! Do join in all the fun here. You will have a great time getting to know everyone and learning about cruising along the way! Glad to have you here.
  11. Welcome aboard jfgraul! you are going to love it here. looking forward to getting to know you. jump in anytime and anywhere. happy cruising!
  12. Welcome aboard Froggy615! Looking forward to getting to know you. I'm sure you will love it here as you will make lots of friends and learn many new things.
  13. First and foremost......BON VOYAGE and have a super time!!!!!!!!!!!!! Now, I just have to ask, have you ever driven in NYC??? We did for the first time and it is TERRIBLE!!!!!!! I don't know how anyone can drive there daily. Maybe it's just because I've lived a sheltered life but keep your eye's peeled and hang on for dear life! Happy Sailing!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
  14. I don't know if this helps or not since we've only done the one cruise on Carnival but...we only did the first formal night and DH wore a dark suit. That happened to be the Captain's formal night and never did see a guy in a tux. Have a great time on your cruise Frostyboy!!!!!!
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