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Everything posted by deb1220

  1. Welcome to our group Arne. Looking forward to meeting you and Martin!
  2. I highly recommend The Freedom Trail. At least doing part of it. I'm not a big history buff and it was very interesting to me....especially the cemetery. You see many familiar historical names.
  3. Howard, I agree 110%.....and I'm sure this Explorer cruise will be every bit as great....and BETTER!!!!
  4. We've been there a few times, Debbie. I will continue to go through my old road trip stuff to see what else I can find.
  5. Here's a link to the "Island Explorer" - A FREE propane-powered shuttle bus that goes all over Mt. Desert Island. We have used it and it's a great way to get around http://exploreacadia.com/
  6. Great question, Keith! As everybody from the Connie cruise knows, my favorite is the Cosmopolitan martini. I had never had a martini before this cruise
  7. Thanks Hector - just putting in my 2 cents....for whatever it's worth!
  8. Hector and MaryLou - I found a local t-shirt printer that also does online orders. Their website has sample shirts and a bulk of info on their business. http://www.speedytees.com/indexf.html I know we're not in a big hurry with this but I drove by this place, came home and looked them up. It looks like they do good work...
  9. Enjoy the play, Howard and Cindy! That's something on my Bucket List - seeing a play on Broadway!
  10. Yes Debbie, I agree with MaryLou - I hope you can join us. I was just thinking about that today, that it's just a little over a year away....and how much fun the planning will be - like the planning of the Connie cruise was a lot of fun. I hope more and more join in the fun!
  11. The ladies could always have a pearl necklace on their shirts....just kidding. I agree - the more stuff you have on it, the more expensive it is Looks great Howard! Love the martini glasses
  12. I like Lisa's suggestion. You're probably right, Rose.....there's a lot of print on there. I don't know a shirt printer but I will hunt around for one.
  13. I love it! The only thing I would add is the date...or even just 2011.
  14. LOL, MaryLou.....nice try Seriously, I'm looking forward to your report.....especially about where to get the best martini Lisa - of course fingers and toes are crossed for you! Hey Judson, I'll join the rest in wishing that you and Louise would join us on this cruise!
  15. cruisetarp wrote... Thank you so much for your kind offer. Contributing to the cause will entitle you to "Priority Seating." LOL! Zack and I were discussing the parking....etc. last night. He was saying that if we could find a very reasonable hotel, that parking at the pier would be fine with him. That way we have our own transportation from the hotel and after the cruise, we just get in the car and go! He was also wondering about the security at their parking lot and also for the hotel parking lot, if we choose to leave our car at the hotel. I know it's a long way off but somehow having these discussions make it seem closer
  16. cruisetarp wrote...Oh the pressure....guess I'd better start looking now. If worse comes to worse you will all have to stay at our place - 1 hour from the pier and lots of back yard. You'll just have to share the yard with the bunnies. Bring sleeping bags. lol LOL! I've got a few tents, air mattresses and sleeping bags I could share... I'm sure it will all work out
  17. Ellie - Since this is our first cruise without airfare, $171.00 does not seem like a lot when we're not paying $500.00 for airfare. Anyway, I do hope we can find a pre-cruise hotel where we can leave our car during the cruise.....and also be a reasonable hotel with shuttle service to the port.......$45.00 - that's crazy!
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