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Everything posted by lashl

  1. Welcome cruisegal64, glad to have you aboard!!
  2. Two years in a row (March 06 & March 07) we accidentlally went on a cruse with 450 JB Parrot Heads. The Atlanta club sponsoers it every year. They do like to party! WOW...give me a heads up the next time! I have seen Jimmy Buffett in concert before, I just would love to see him again. but the ticket prices have gotten OUT OF SITE! for the four of us to go, see the show, spend one night in Dallas, travel down there, and of'course we would have to eat...etc...it would cost us over $800.00! The tickets alone are about $125.00 plus service services! I think when hubby and I saw him in L.R. back in the '80's the tickets might have cost maybe 15.00 0r 20.00 at most and that was a lot back then for concert tickets! so the Buffet concert was something i gave up in order to go on the cruise. I know what you mean about tickets but it is one big party! The Atlanta Parrot Head Club always has their cruise in March and it sells out very fast. Here is their web site: www.parrotheadcruise.com
  3. Two years in a row (March 06 & March 07) we accidentlally went on a cruse with 450 JB Parrot Heads. The Atlanta club sponsoers it every year. They do like to party! WOW...give me a heads up the next time! I have seen Jimmy Buffett in concert before, I just would love to see him again. but the ticket prices have gotten OUT OF SITE! for the four of us to go, see the show, spend one night in Dallas, travel down there, and of'course we would have to eat...etc...it would cost us over $800.00! The tickets alone are about $125.00 plus service services! I think when hubby and I saw him in L.R. back in the '80's the tickets might have cost maybe 15.00 0r 20.00 at most and that was a lot back then for concert tickets! so the Buffet concert was something i gave up in order to go on the cruise. I know what you mean about tickets but it is one big party! The Atlanta Parrot Head Club always has their cruise in March and it sells out very fast. Here is their web site: www.parrotheadcruise.com
  4. Two years in a row (March 06 & March 07) we accidentlally went on a cruse with 450 JB Parrot Heads. The Atlanta club sponsoers it every year. They do like to party!
  5. Two years in a row (March 06 & March 07) we accidentlally went on a cruse with 450 JB Parrot Heads. The Atlanta club sponsoers it every year. They do like to party!
  6. Joey....Cool! I will remember that! You still planning on going to Key West? I am not a big Miami fan but the drive to Key West is spectacular!
  7. Andrea....My personal countdown for the cruise ends at 5PM friday, Nov 6th. That is when I well leave the office and officially be on vacation. That countdown will be at 200 days tomorrow!!!
  8. Bon Voyage shippmates, have a great trip!!
  9. Welcome wisteria1019, glad to have you aboard!!
  10. Welcome knmoseley, glad to have you aboard!!
  11. Thanks Rose, just what I need. Having cruise withdrawal really bad!
  12. Welcome msceil, glad to have you aboard!!
  13. Welcome Nachtswerg, glad to have you aboard!!
  14. Welcome sarapdot, glad to have you aboard!!
  15. Welcome davide007, glad to have you aboard!!
  16. Welcome jsl68, glad to have you aboard!!
  17. Joey....$10.00 per head sounds good. Put us down. !!! Debbie & Andrea....Congrats on getting the CC room. Rose...No way on the bubbly. That is nasty stuff! Great news on the extension. Hope some more Crazies take advantage of these prices. Cost of a room for two for 13 days $3700, cost of transportation to the ship for two $20, cost of spending 13 days with Cruise Crazies, PRICELESS!!!
  18. Welcome moatzart, glad to have you aboard!!
  19. Welcome ErinsDad, glad to have you aboard!!
  20. Welcome caesars79, glad to have you aboard!!
  21. Welcome Bamaw, glad to have you aboard!!
  22. Bon Voyage piney, have a great trip!!
  23. Bon Voyage joie1016, have a great trip!!
  24. Bon Voyage sarrecat, have a great trip!!
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