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Everything posted by lashl

  1. Well I guess there is the big aft cabin and balcony group and then the rest of us crammed into those small cabins with all the rif raff. To tell the truth I though about switching but $600 more will take care of at least two days of our bar bill!! Congrats Howard & Cindy on the upgrade!
  2. Judson...Sounds like we are on the same cruise schedule! Only 8 months to go!
  3. Welcome keg51, glad to have you aboard!!
  4. Welcome jandjq, glad to have you aboard!!
  5. Welcome gglaze, glad to have you aboard!!
  6. Welcome CMorrison1964, glad to have you aboard!!
  7. Welcome waynem, glad to have you aboard!!
  8. Welcome pampushky, glad to have you aboard!!
  9. Welcome vocab3802, glad to have you aboard!!
  10. Welcome Baltimorecruiser, glad to have you aboard!!
  11. Welcome DFricke1212, glad to have you aboard!!
  12. Welcome Eileen2008, glad to have you aboard!!
  13. Was just over on the Celebrity web sight. Think I am getting ready for this cruise. The longest we have gone without a cruise in the last 2-1/2 years was 6 months. It has been 6 months since the last cruise. Boy, are we going to be ready to go on this cruise!
  14. Welcome vlvoguy, glad to have you aboard!!
  15. Welcome patcarroll5, glad to have you aboard!!
  16. Welcome franpulice, glad to have you aboard!!
  17. Welcome Mangocay, glad to have you aboard!!
  18. Jackie...Sorry to hear you won't be able to make the cruise, we were looking forward to meeting you and Tony.
  19. Welcome bravebabe, glad to have you aboard!!
  20. Welcome cruisenut820, glad to have you aboard!!
  21. Welcome eveningwatch, glad to have you aboard!!
  22. Welcome trvlnut4, glad to have you aboard!!
  23. Joey...Put us down for the shuttle. The earlier on board the earlier the cruise starts!
  24. Bon Voyage alnik4, have a great trip!!
  25. Welcome LynneKelley, glad to have you aboard!!
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