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Everything posted by lashl

  1. Welcome anisle! Glad to have you aboard!
  2. Welcome trvldiva! Glad to have you aboard!
  3. Welcome chickenlittle! Glad to have you aboard!
  4. Welcome chickenlittle2! Glad to have you aboard!
  5. Congratulations Ed & Roe on your docs! We are dancin with you!
  6. Welcome MMAIN1336! Glad to have you aboard!
  7. Welcome mahlerlover! Glad to have you aboard!
  8. Welcome hesfireshes911! Glad to have you aboard!
  9. Welcome wall! Glad to have you aboard!
  10. Welcome chris12442! Glad to have you aboard!
  11. OK! It's official. According to my count down clock we have 364 days, 21 hrs & 30 minutes till the Connie Goes Crazie vacation starts. That's less than a year, time to get excited! I maximize vaction time and set the countdown clock for 5PM my last day at work. Two parties sounds great. How about a meet, greet, drink adult beverages, and laugh party for Sat?
  12. Welcome brettfdny! It's great to have you aboard!
  13. Welcome sagevsal! It's great to have you aboard!
  14. Welcome LisaV1! It's great to have you aboard!
  15. Welcome ndavis7515! It's great to have you aboard!
  16. Welcome davestuf! It's great to have you aboard!
  17. Welcome shellybell1516! It's great to have you aboard!
  18. One year from tomorrow and my Connie Cruise vacation starts! Made hotel reservations today for both Sat and Sunday. The ball is starting to roll down hill!
  19. Party! Anyone have a countdown to the party? Think I will reserve a room tomorrow for Sat & Sunday. Can usually fly cheaper on Sat so that is good justification to add another day!
  20. Ship board credit will work just fine. About time we got a break!
  21. I told you, you would be hooked! Have a great time!
  22. Have a great cruise CruisinCindy55!
  23. Have a great cruise exoticpetlover!
  24. Welcome back Howard and Cindy. Gald your cruise was good and that you were not late for work!
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