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Everything posted by lashl

  1. Welcome cajun76! Glad to have you on board!
  2. Welcome grogshop! Glad to have you on board!
  3. Welcome Kartgv! Glad to have you on board!
  4. Welcome URSULA327! Glad to have you on board!
  5. Welcome islandtime! Glad to have you on board!
  6. Welcome redhead1944! Glad to have you on board!
  7. Welcome ricok987, glad to have you on board!
  8. Welcome jbind, glad to have you on board!
  9. Welcome ehogan45, glad to have you on board!
  10. Welcome bevfine07! Glad to have you aboard!
  11. Welcome timmiesgirl! Glad to have you aboard!
  12. Welcome cwarner! Glad to have you aboard!
  13. Welcome Doris! Glad to have you aboard!
  14. Welcome jbelle! Glad to have you aboard!
  15. Welcome loubie! Glad to have you aboard!
  16. Welcome circus! Glad to have you aboard!
  17. MaryLou....You and Lynda better get packing. Only 431 more days to go!
  18. Rose...Glad you are having a good time. Enjoy the Spa!
  19. Bon Voyage popsec! Have a great time!
  20. Welcome shirleycrow! Glad to have you on board!
  21. Welcome johnwinslow! Glad to have you on board!
  22. Welcome jimtucson! Glad to have you on board!
  23. Welcome KeywestK! Glad to have you on board!
  24. Welcome piney! Glad to have you on board!
  25. Bon Voyage Judson & Louise! Have a great cruise!
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