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Everything posted by waf125

  1. Good morning, MaryLou and Peggy- Today I'm going to just chill. Need to catch up on my rest. Will putter around here. MaryLou- I hope Ashleigh has a good day today. Does she know any of the kids who will be in her class? I hope something is done about that other teacher. Maybe they can talk with someone in the diocese about the teacher if the principal is not receptive. Good luck today. Did you get TJ's results back yet? Hope they are all good. We are just starting to show some signs of fall, but nothing much. I hate to see the trees losing their leaves, although I love Fall. Just don't like bare trees. Guess I know winter is coming and I don't like cold. Snow yes, but not the cold that goes along!! I'm glad you had a nice relaxing drive yesterday. Sometimes we used to do that; take a drive and look at scenery, but haven't done it lately. Maybe if Lee does better, we will be able to. I start my second job this week, so I will be working tomorrow from 1-6 giving out flu shots, then I work my 12 hr. shift Wed, work 8-2 on Thurs giving out shots and my 12 hr. shift Fri. Peggy- how did the soccer game go? Did Elaine come? The Apple Festival sounds wonderful! They don't have anything like that here. We'd have to drive to the mountains for it , I guess. Our Majesty cruise went down $60 more. Saw it last pm. Lee will call our TA today about it. Really wish there was some way we could afford the JS. That way, we would be diamond when boarding the Jewel. That would be so nice, but they are still too much for a 3 day w/e.... 9 weeks sounds so nice.....I like single digits!!!! I will check in later........... Martha
  2. MaryLou- sorry the rain spoiled your plans for the day! Hope you have a good one, anyway! Peggy- sorry you are having trouble getting your tickets. How did your visit go? Have to run! Martha
  3. Hi MaryLou and Peggy- Boy, we were busy today!! We were really rolling them in and out! Had a 10 minute break. Oh well, it's getting to be that time of year. We will stay busy until probably April/May; depending how long flu season lasts. Glad to hear it was such a beautiful day, Peggy. It was really pretty here, also. At least it looked pretty from inside! Have to go eat something and then turning in so I can go back tomorrow. Have a great day tomorrow! Martha
  4. Hi- This will be short as I am walking out the door for work. Hope you both have a great weekend! Martha
  5. Hi MaryLou & Peggy- Peggy- hope things went well with Elaine last pm. I admire your courage to call her and hopefully, straighten out your friendship. Wishing you the best.... MaryLou- yeah, it turned chilly here, also. Haven't got the heat on yet, thank goodness!! Just turned off the air conditioner. I can't wait to meet our "friends". Some people are completely different in person than when posting. Things come across so differently when not face to face. You guys, though; I feel like I know you both!! Have to work all w/e so you may not "see" me until Monday. Don't know how tired I will be. I got some sleep last night. I knew if I watched the debate I would fall asleep!!! Have a great w/e!! We'll be down to single digits for the cruise by then!!!!
  6. Hi- Just thought I would check back in- Make sure you don't book JOS for Sept, 2009- Our "friend" is on it. I appreciated his "warning" us!! MaryLou- hope everything turned out okay with TJ. I really hope Ashleigh does better at her new school! Peggy- Good luck with Elaine tonight. Hope things work out. Dinner- have to run!
  7. Hi MaryLou & Peggy- I'm here; just didn't have a good night and was up and down so I'm really tired. Still drinking my coffee. MaryLou- do TJ and Ashleigh live really close? I wish we lived closer to our granddgtrs. Lee gets to babysit 3 days a week, but I only see them maybe every 2 weeks. Really miss them in between. Hope TJ has a good report!! Peggy- don't know who Elaine is, but I am glad you are getting back in touch. As far as meeting a man who likes to cruise, I already like him!! Not much going on with the trip. I haven't found any more cabins available. Haven't even found any Christmas decorations to bring. Have to work F/S/S and then next week start my second job, so think I will lay low today. Haven't even put in my contacts. Will be back later..........
  8. Good morning! A quick check in..... I am off tomorrow and will catch up then...... MaryLou- since Lee has to stop every 2 hrs to get out of the car and stretch, we drive no more than 6 hrs, if we can help it. We are driving to St. Cloud, Fla on Tues, Dec 2, which is farther than 6 hrs- maybe 8-9!! Once we get there, though, we are staying until Thursday and then driving to Miami to stay with a friend. We will leave early in the am and take our time. Little worried, but Lee says he can do it. At least he will have Wednesday to recuperate!! Peggy- I am so sorry you won't have anyone joining you, but we will watch out for you. That's what the 3 Musketeers are for!!! Really have to run..... Have a great day!
  9. Good morning! Have to run; am leaving late today. Have a good day! Martha
  10. Maybe tomorrow if I have time before leaving for work. Kind of tired now and am going to read before going to sleep. Good night and have a wonderful day tomorrow if I don't "talk" to you before work!!
  11. Whew!! The pressure is off now!! I got a good report with my contacts and ordered a 90 day supply so I have plenty for our cruise. Did I tell y'all we decided not to bring formal clothing on the Majesty? We will just eat in WJ that night. This will be the first really laid back cruise. On all the others, we were go go go. We are really looking forward to it.
  12. Okay, I have a real question for you. How come each month the Daily Dock ends and a new one starts? Why doesn't it just keep on going?
  13. Does that mean I am chatty and talk dribble????
  14. Hi Peggy & MaryLou- Peggy- yeah, I figured I would give him a little handout!! Very little!! Sorry your friend can't go with you. Is there anyone else you would want to sail with?? I think Brad Pitt is busy, but anyone else??? The stock market tanked today!! We live in Charlotte so Wachovia being bought is big news here. No telling what will happen to our city.
  15. Good morning, MaryLou and Peggy- Thanks for the heads up about final payment today. I will start checking what's out there. Would even be interested in a real aft, maybe. Would have to talk to Lee about that. It would mean a long walk for him. Would rather just have 9092. Have an appt. for my contact check up. I think I am doing very well with them. Will be ordering today. Got my schedule for October for my second job. Whew!! I will be working quite a bit. Extra money!! Will check in later..............
  16. Hi Peggy- We are driving down and Lee said I can bring as much as I want! I am taking him up on the offer!!! Hope we can schedule a night at Chops or Portofinos with you and MaryLou and Jim. I think it would be fun!! Later... Martha
  17. MaryLou- have fun and don't spend too much $$$$$$$$!! Save some for the cruise!! Peggy- watcha doin today???? Martha
  18. Mostly overcast today, but no rain. Wind has finally died down. Tomorrow they are saying overcast and 80. If we're not going to have sun, would rather have rain. We are still in a drought, though we are now allowed to water twice a week! Okay, is it time to board yet????? I've been looking around and don't see many cabins still available. Only been looking at D1's, but I thought with the economy tanking there would have been more cancellations. I bet we end up sailing full. Are you planning to eat in Chops and/or Portofinos? I think our plan is to eat in one early in the cruise and one towards the end. Martha
  19. MaryLou- how's the weather? Is it getting any better? What are you going to do when you run out of signs to make?????
  20. Really getting excited to meet you and Peggy in person! The 3 Musketeers!!!!
  21. Okay, I am ready to board!! How are we going to wait 2 1/2 months???? Martha
  22. MaryLou- good idea about the signs; guess I will start getting the Christmas decorations together that I am bringing. Did I tell you Lee says he has to have a picture of me in front of the Jewel with the Christmas tree I am bringing for the cabin????!! Peggy- it was a thread on the OBC that is going on over there. My Ashley wants everything she sees on TV- I have started telling her to tell Santa! She has never even wanted to sit on his lap before; maybe this year we can get a picture! If she tells him everything, we may never get her off!!!
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