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Everything posted by waf125
Our "friend" is up to his old antics in another place: "Ummmmm, I don't know what your problem is, but I was also trying to be helpful. I'm glad your fax number works, too. This isn't a contest, and giving a different fax number wasn't meant to be. It just so happened that I had to fax them today, and had the number already on a cover page to refer to. Sorry I treaded on your toes...." Somebody else sent to the principal's office with me; pretty soon we will have a crowd in there!!
OMG- Paul Newman died!! Just heard it!!
Good morning, MaryLou & Peggy- Oh, welcome to my club, MaryLou!!! I'm sure it's not official since you and I talked about the cabin crawl and you offered to do it and never got permission from "the boss!" Uh oh, you may end up in the principal's office with me. I've gotten used to being there. I think I've got my own chair in there now!! We're not doing much of anything this w/e. I am really tired for some reason so we are going to lay low. Rainy today. Maybe play tennis tomorrow if the sun comes out. We are having a real gas shortage and the price is outrageous right now, so we are watching our travels. Supposedly an emergency shipment of gas went to Charlotte yesterday pm, so we will see............ Peggy- talking dribble won't help....it's got to be something worse. Write something with the word "list" in it; doesn't matter what, then watch what happens! MaryLou- have fun at American Girls. Yes, they are REALLY expensive. My eldest granddgtr, Alex, got one for Christmas last year. It's a shame they cost so much. I really like them. Will check in later.......... Martha
Good morning! MaryLou- I know what you mean about the computer. Lee says I am always on it, but sure smiles and jumps up when I tell him I think I saved him $$$! You should have seen him scrambling to get his DD214 out for the latest reduction. Please tell Ashleigh that your new cruising friends wish her a very Happy Birthday!! They grow so fast, don't they? Our Ashley learned to do somersaults. She was practicing and asked Poppa to do one. "Poppa" replied he had booboo's on his knees (bilateral knee replacements) and couldn't do them. She looked at him very seriously and shook her head yes. Said," you're too old, Poppa!" and smiled!! Peggy- hope you find someone to travel with so you don't have to pay so much. I can't wait to meet you both!! Have a good day! Martha
Hi- I just found our Majesty cruise went down another $60!!!! Wohooo!!! We have saved $180 since we booked!! We are in the bowels of the ship in the smallest room they have, but who cares!! The ocean looks the same once you are on deck!!!!!
MaryLou- how do you find what cabins are available? Do you just do a pretend booking on RCI? That's what I have been checking, but nothing much seems to change. Wondered how you found your aft. Hope you are okay in the storm.
Peggy- I posted right after you; more dribble!! I am going on the Majesty on 12/5 for a 3 nighter. Get off 12/8 and onto Jewel. That's the only way we could make diamond before the end of the year. I am afraid the loyalty program will be changing soon and wanted to be diamond before the changes. Actually, we had 2 more cruise credits listed, but was honest. Had to send several emails and make phone calls to get it corrected. Hope you and MaryLou are safe in the storm!
Good morning, MaryLou & Peggy- UGH!! I am REALLY tired today. Sorry to complain... Windy, dreary day today. Rain coming which we still need desperately. Not much going on. Will make final payment on our Majesty cruise this week, so I guess it's really happening!! I will check back later.
Good morning! Just a quick note to check in and see how y'all are doing. Have to work today. Babysat the granddgtrs yesterday and played ball. Have to go back to work to get some rest!! Have a good day and I will catch up with y'all tomorrow.
Peggy- I'm sure we can come up with something by the time we board!!
Heck, by the time of the cruise, I will probably have to hang out the back window!!
I just posted. Look out!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Okay, I'm not even done catching up and already they have annoyed me. They obviously want the pre meet & mingle in the Schooner Bar, but like Peggy, I would rather have it at the pool bar.... outside and, if it is raining (heaven forbid!) the Viking Crown Lounge. UGH......................... I know it's petty, but I've about had it....I will probably be sent to the principal's office again!!
Hi Peggy & MaryLou- Our friends just left and I miss them terribly already!! What wonderful people you meet cruising. They are very special in our hearts and we have only met them once prior to staying with us!! We are so priviledged to have such wonderful friends thru cruising. Haven't been over "there" in about a week, so need to see what's happening. If "they" are back, I'm sure not much!!! Our final payment has been made about a month ago, so wasn't really sure when it was official. If you see 9092 open, please post for me. Have to babysit this pm, so probably won't be checking in again until tonight. Have a good day!! Martha
Hi MaryLou & Peggy- Sorry to be missing in action!! I had a really busy w/e at work and then my company arrived last night. It's so good seeing them!! I think today is final payment for the cruise. We may see cabins open up. Peggy- my oldest son played soccer and we loved watching the games. Haven't been shopping lately. Trying to save money for the cruise. It's hard!!!!! Will try to check back in later......... Need coffee!!!
Hi MaryLou & Peggy MaryLou- Hope you are having a wonderful time!! Remember, win big!! Peggy- what's up this w/e? How was work? Our friends from England that we met on the Jewel are arriving Sunday to visit. I have to work this w/e and then will be with them, so don't know when I will post again. Not deserting you!! Have a great w/e and I will check in as I can. Martha
Hi Peggy- Yes, I will be off on Mon & Tues, but our cruising friends from England are arriving on Sun. afternoon so I don't think I will be getting any rest!! They will leave on Tues or Wed, don't remember. Guess CRS is contagious!! I have a second job in flu season giving out flu shots so from Oct. 1 thru Nov. 15, I will be here only intermittently. I will be exhausted, but really cannot pass up the income. MaryLou- if you win big, remember me!!!!! Martha
MaryLou- I am doing exactly what you ordered. I am resting today. Not even going to babysit the granddgtrs. Lee will do that. I have to work 12 hr. shifts Fri/Sat/Sun and for some reason, I am really tired this week. I do believe my BIL's mother lived in Wilkes Barre when she was living and that I have been there. Not sure, though. Hope you have a wonderful time and win lots of money!! Peggy- how is Nick? Hope he is able to return to school soon. Will check in later.....
Good morning, MaryLou and Peggy- I've had to work the last 2 days and I sometimes don't make it to the computer. I will post more later but just wanted to say hi. Need my coffee!! Martha
MaryLou- Sorry you went all the way there to find out you didn't have to go in the first place! I know you are tired today. I went today for contacts. Ended up costing me $15!! I had my fitting and got 3 weeks worth. I have an eye care plan at work (for which I pay dearly) and have a $200 per year budget. I won't be wearing it daily so I can make them last quite awhile. Good day here!
BTW Peggy- no question is stupid here!!!
We got our price reduction for the Majesty!!! We just saved $120. We have the lowest category booked. We really wanted to make Diamond before the PC cruise, but just cannot do it. So we will be diamond when we get off. There has been so much talk of C&A tier changes, really wanted it to happen before Jan. 1. We were honest about it. They had credited us with 2 cruises we didn't take. Took several emails and phone calls, but we got them deducted. Didn't want to take advantage of the system. Wish the upgrade fairy would visit on the Majesty, though, so we could be Diamond on the Jewel! Peggy- I hit add reply and the typing screen opens up. I type in that then hit add reply and it's there!
Hi MaryLou & Peggy- MaryLou- glad to hear your walk went well. Here's hoping you find out it was a huge success after counting the money!! We still never heard back from our TA- I am very disappointed since we has interviewed this one before booking with them. They just started being closed on Saturdays, but anytime I had something come up, I would email him and he responded promptly. This is a first and better be last or we will just do our own bookings! Today we have some errands and an appt to get fitted for contacts. Will check in later.........
Peggy- sorry to hear Nick is sick. We are babysitting the girls while Mom & Dad are at the football game. Good thing we have no life!!!
Good morning, MaryLou- Have a wonderful day and be careful in the heat. Take rests and drink fluids!! I know this is the culmination of months of hard work and hope it is a great success. Enjoy it!! Thanks for the suggestion. I did make a copy; good idea. I still have not heard back from my TA. I am not at all happy. Peggy- what are you up to today? Will check back after coffee! Martha