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Everything posted by waf125

  1. Hi MaryLou and Peggy- We are going out the door. I read that too, about the specialty restaurants. I hope we can get something. Be safe and drive carefully!! Peggy- make sure the train driver does a good job!!! I can't believe we are finally saying this, but "SEE YA!"
  2. Okay- we are packed and the car is loaded. I started to run a fever again so may just go back to bed. I am going to try to check in somehow in Fla. Hope you both have a good next couple of days and I will see you on the Jewel!! MaryLou- If you haven't heard from me by the time you get on the Jewel, just call my cell. I will do the same.
  3. Sorry to take so long to get on; having internet problems today. I ended up with a relapse yesterday and even with 2 extra strength tylenol my temp went to 100.6. My face was throbbing as were my teeth. Saw the Dr. again and he thought I may have pneumonia. Chest xray is questionable. Got 4 more prescriptions and came home from work. Had shaking chills last night but really feel much better today. Yes, I am on vacation! It's very windy today and Lee wants me to stay in bed most of the day and let him do the packing. I may take him up on it. I have enough medicines now to stalk a pharmacy!! I am frustrated since walkerspt. won't come back on the other place to confirm the tour. I don't want to leave the others short. Well, I am tired so will try to check back in later............ Martha
  4. Just found my IPOD manual; we will have music !!
  5. Rose- Thanks so much for the encouragement and warning about Tuesday. I was just up checking the forecast. At least it's supposed 77 and sunny when we leave on the Jewel! MaryLou- Sorry you got such a bad night's sleep. Maybe you should plan to RELAX today. Hope your legs feel better. Not sure if Lee is getting sick or not.....NOTHING will keep us from going, though. Will just get him some antibiotics if he is...... I can't find my IPOD instruction book.....I know it's in the house somewhere. Stayed up late last night looking for it and started again this am, but just can't seem to locate it. I thought I had put it in the suitcase already, but it wasn't there. Only 12 more hrs. of work. The person I work with doesn't know what it is like to work, so we have to pick up her slack. Lee said to call in today, but I just can't do that.... I can do it!! Not long now............. Martha
  6. Hi- Still struggling. Lost my voice completely yesterday afternoon. Squeaky today. Only 24 more hrs of work. I can do this!! Martha
  7. Good morning!! I am fast on my way to losing my voice. Oh well................ Had the most relaxing and fun Thanksgiving ever. Wouldn't let me do anything but play with granddgtrs and make my gravy. It was wonderful. Ashley would come and sit in my lap and cuddle; almost as if she could sense we will not see her for 3 weeks. Countdown has begun....only 3 more shifts then I am off. I hope I can make it. I am really struggling today. Good luck with shopping!
  8. Peggy, what are your thoughts about the tour? I know you did and now you're stuck!! I bet you find out they are not that bad; I think they are just set in their ways. We'll probably be the same at their age!!
  9. MaryLou and Peggy- Just had to post to tell you I walked up the stairs and looked to the left. IN the hallway were suitcases lined up down the hall and into the bathroom!!! Yes, we even have a suitcase in the bathroom!!!!! I think we will need a u haul it!!!
  10. I know, MaryLou, we tried, but it was already gone. I was just too sick to get up to the computer.... oh well................we'll be together lots during this cruise, I hope!! I need your help. You too, Peggy. I got an email from Lee Miles. He is saying he could bump us up to a 40 person bus, but has to get pricing for that or leave us as 19 @ $20.25 and put the other 7 in a van for $32 something. My thinking is I would rather stay split up as it is more personal, but I need your input as quickly as you can so I can email him back. Can you believe it is actually almost time????? We have been planning this cruise for 2 yrs!!!!! We had originally planned Hawaii, but it got cost prohibitive and RCI changed the itinerary which made it not worth it. Then we switched to AOS then we found your post and switched to the JOS. It's almost not real that we are going!!!! Will be working really hard F/S/Sun as Thanksgiving is the busiest w/e of the year for Urgent Care, but at least I can tell myself, I am going on a cruise!!
  11. Thanks for worrying about me!! It's nice to have 2 friends on this trip. I am grateful for both of you Happy Thanksgiving!! Martha
  12. Hi MaryLou & Peggy- I have been sick. Sorry I wasn't able to post. Had ST, temp 101.5 etc...... Went to urgent care on Monday and was in bed all day. On antibiotics so we will see. Am so far behind on everything, don't know how we will be ready to leave Tues. Oh well.......... we'll do our best. Urgent care is a zoo lately; it is unbelievable. Am sooooo tired; working and being sick makes it a chore. Peggy- sorry about Nick's foot. Glad it's healing properly! MaryLou- congrats on the room, but now we won't be that close!! Can't throw things down on you!! Will post more tomorrow. Martha
  13. Good morning! I could have sworn I posted here earlier. Must be more tired than I thought! I am coming down with something. Up most of night coughing. Have post nasal drainage I think. Just really tired today but have too much to do... Babysitting the girls this evening so Scott & Monica can go out to dinner. Peggy- I love Grand Central Station!! Is that where you are leaving from?? You are sooooo lucky. I hope you have a smooth ride down. Lee is doing better on the increased dose of prednisone. Not good for him, but which is worse; not being able to function and in severe pain or prednisone with all its side effects???? Not sure, at this point. At least he goes Wednesday for his next infusion. Will be back later........
  14. HI- We spent today focused on the cruise. Put all my excursion papers together, got out envelopes to put the exact amount of each excursion and label. Will leave them in the safe and take them out when the time comes. We even made one for the slot pull. Went shopping and bought some toys for the grandkids. Got 2 shirts to replace the ones ruined, got my eyebrows waxed. Lee got a haircut (finally!!!!). Got most of my things out to pack, just need to put things in the suitcases. Lee finally got out the suitcases yesterday, I think, so they are airing out. Whew! Just typing all that made me tired!!!! Aubrey has a cold and now pink eye. Poor thing, her eye was matted shut this am. They took her to the doctor and the medication cost them $40 with insurance!! I heard that med is really expensive and costs some people $80. Now why is that???? What a rip off. I am really down on pharmaceutical companies; have seen too much. Okay, I'm off my soap box now. Have a good evening! Martha
  15. Good morning!! MaryLou- I am so sorry you had a bad night. Lee finally had a better night, but I have bumped his prednisone up from 15 mg to now 40 mg. He only got up once. I always help Lee drive a couple of hours going down, but never the whole trip. I used to love car trips but not anymore. Last time down we saw a bad accident on the way down and their were suitcases all over the road. It was very sad to see. I guess that just made me nervous about driving. We are just going to take our time. We are packing a cooler with sandwich stuff and cold drinks. Peggy- are you thru packing? I need to get my bu@# in gear this w/e. Have to go get some coffee so I can function. Later.............. Martha
  16. Hi Peggy & MaryLou- Latest update on my tops: No, they didn't offer to reimburse me for any of them, but Lee took the receipt for my black halter top and copied it and handed it to them since I bought it in May and had just worn it once. We're waiting to hear back. Just got my other 2 back. Don't think I can wear any of them. One at least has a tag saying we are sorry we can't remove the stain. DUH!!! They are the ones that put the stains on it in the first place. So I am out my 3 best tops. Oh well, onto other things. Switched to MTD today and prepaid the gratuities. That is done!! Mary Lou- Lee has to stop every 2 hrs and get out and walk around. That has been the rule since he had his first surgery and he really follows it conscientiously. That's why it usually takes us so long on the road to get anywhere. I'm just worried he won't be able to drive he is so bad right now. That would not be a good thing because I will be exhausted and I hate driving distances. Doctor's office never called him back today. Only 5 more working days until I start my vacation!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Peggy- I love Cheesecake Factory cheesecake!! Have you tried their pumpkin cheesecake? I don't like pumpkin, but I can eat that!! I think I will go to bed; am really tired. Talk to you tomorrow!
  17. Had trouble getting on here this am. Hope today is a better day for me!! Mary Lou- I will be thinking of you and your family today at the funeral. They said some areas have a sprinkling of SN@# this am. Afraid to look out the window! Not much else new today; oh yeah, kids asked us to babysit on Sunday evening so they can go out; not in my plans, but of course, we said "yes!" I promise I will pack before we leave!! Actually, I think I made a lot of headway yesterday. Have a great day! Martha
  18. Hi- Yes, the weather seems to affect him. He is worse in cold weather. Called his doctor to move up his treatment, so I know he's bad. Not sleeping due to the pain. Only had 3 hrs sleep last night. That's with half a sleeping pill. Here is my woe of the day: I have 3 really good shirts/blouses. Lee took them to the dry cleaner. One has a halter neck of black "stones" and they broke one of the stones and glued it together- right in the front! They must have used a press on it; all the black on the little doo dads in the front have been melted and there is something white now on the black beads. The second top is a lightish pink and that and the creme colored top both have large brown stains on them!! The Heart Association sounds like they did a very nice presentation to Deb. I am very impressed. I know Ashleigh and TJ and you and Deb all deserve it. Glad you got to go, also. Will be back later..........
  19. Sorry to vent; I'm over it!! See??? I think we are leaving the earliest; we leave Tues, Dec. 2. What will I do without a computer for that long???? Will have to go to the library to get on here!! Yes, I am still going for my precruise hair....can't be having roots showing, now can we?? Part of the problem is Lee is having a pretty major flare of his rheumatoid arthritis right now, poor guy. He can't sleep for the pain and stiffness. Then he is grumpy during the day (with me). Been doing this long enough, I know he is in a flare. His IV treatment is not until next Wednesday. I just convinced him to bump up his prednisone to see if that will help. How was the party last night? Did you attend? Hope the kids had a good time! Be safe driving to NJ. Is Jim going with you?
  20. Good morning! I have "ready to cruise" burnout!! Getting fed up at work. Try to have a good attitude, but when it changes, I know I need a break! Why is it some people work their tails off and others come to work to socialize? Sorry, just tired I think and our plans for today just got shot to h@#$! Oh well..... Maybe today I will actually start figuring out what clothes go in what suitcase!! Have to eventually!! Will check in later with you..................
  21. Hi Mary Lou & Peggy- heard back from Lee Miles. I was able to post to the other place the details. If you can't get on, let me know and I will post the email here, also. Have to work today BOO!!!! Tomorrow I get the dreaded precruise cut and color. Always makes me nervous!! I really CAN't wait for this cruise. I am fast burning out and need the break. I keep telling Lee, since we are driving, we CAN bring the kitchen sink!!!! Have to run; have a great day!! Hope the kids have fun tonight!
  22. Hi, I'm back home! Had a great time but am really tired. Walked my poor feet off. Peggy- I didn't have any trouble yesterday posting that I can remember. I have trouble with the other place being so slow. I am not a patient person and it drives me crazy! I finally give up and go read. I am a definite over packer. I know it and Lee knows it and for the most part, just accepts it. How lucky to have snow! I love to watch it, but hate to drive in it. It is so pretty coming down. Just don't want too much as I have to do the shovellling!!! Will check back later....
  23. Good morning, Mary Lou & Peggy: I knew I had read the ice cream rule somewhere!! Alex, who is 10, sat right on his lap and began talking. This is the first year Ashley sat on his lap. Before, she always stayed away. She was shy, but she did sit and talk with him. She wants a "dolly". Aubrey, who is 2 waved, but that was it. Couldn't get her to sit on his lap for a picture, though. A wave from my arms was enough!! It was a lot of fun! I really get into being a grandparent. Miss them as soon as I leave them. I am going to the Southern Christmas Show today with one of my coworkers. Have to leave the house by 9- ugh! Will check back later.........
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