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Everything posted by waf125
Hi Peggy & MaryLou- I AM DOING THE DOC DANCE!!!!!! Can you see me?????? I went and picked up the documents today. YEAH!!!!!!!!! It's real!! Let the countdown start!! Can you tell I'm a little excited???? Wait until you see me at sailaway! The redheaded crazy woman on the deck waving to everyone and yelling and running back and forth will be me!!
Peggy- What a nice b'day present to yourself: a PC cruise!! Good for you! Sorry to hear Nick hurt his foot. Sprains are sometimes worse that fractures; sometimes take longer to heal. I tried on all my bathing suits and they all fit!!!!!!!!!!!!!! YoooHoooo! Have to see the Dr. tomorrow for fasting bloodwork. You got it, MaryLou- the coffee comes with me! Just received an email from our TA; docs are in; will pick them up tomorrow!! Will check in later....
Good morning, MaryLou & Peggy! Yeah, a whole day off!! You must get bored with me telling you how tired I am. I know I BORE myself about it, too!!! MaryLou- Can you believe only 5 more weeks??? Are you excited yet? I am starting to panic a little thinking of everything we have to do in 4 weeks!! I always get like this before we leave on a cruise. I won't be sleeping the week before, I know! Peggy- now, what exactly are your plans? When do you leave and how are you getting to Fla? Are you and Elaine both travelling together or separately? Will check back later!!
Good morning! MaryLou- that is what is happening tomorrow. Putting on some sweats and pulling out the suitcases. I will call my TA tomorrow and see what is what re: cruise docs. I can't believe only 28 more days until I am on vacation!!
Yeah, Peggy!! Glad to hear you and Elaine got your docs! Still none here. Just got home from work and am hungry so I'm going to fix something. Have a good evening Martha
MaryLou & Peggy- Happy Halloween!! MaryLou- hope you have fun with your company! Peggy- What is Nick dressing up as? Hope you have fun with the Trick or Treaters! Think of me working!! Tried to insert Halloween picture, but won't work. Don't know what I did wrong. I clicked copy and then paste and it didn't work, so will just have to imagine it!
Hi MaryLou & Peggy- I am home and the rest of the evening is mine!!! YEAH!!!!!!!!!!!! Next month ought to be better; not good, but better! I don't even know what is going on in the world so I think I better check to see! I guess sometime I will need to start planning clothes. We will need clothes for travelling, a suitcase for Majesty and then for Jewel. Don't want to have to be pulling clothes from 1 suitcase to another. Hope we have enough suitcases!!
I'm here, but I'm beat. Have to be up really early tomorrow, but should be free late afternoon, so will play catch up then. MaryLou- sorry to hear about Deb's foot. What did the Dr. say about your face? Peggy- it's cold here, too. I'm not ready for it!!
Good morning, Mary Lou & Peggy- Nothing new to report; just working. I work every day until Monday, so I don't know how much I will be on the boards. Hope you get your painting done, Peggy. Wish something good would happen; like we get our docs!! Have a good day! Martha
Good morning, MaryLou and Peggy- Wow! What a weekend. Got the girls and had so much fun! Ashley kept coming over to me and giving me a hug or kiss and telling me how much she missed me! Really wish I could take her with us to the PC. I am soooooooooo close to her! Aubrey kept laughing most of the w/e and when she laughs, you have to laugh. She is too funny!! Anyway, they are really into "mine, it's mine!" I was trying to teach them, it's "ours." Aubrey picked up her chair and shook her finger at Ashley and said, "No, No, NO!!" It's so funny because I shake my finger just like that! It amazes me when I see things I do or Lee does in them. Anyway, noticed Ashley scratching her head. Finally, I checked her on Sunday and, you guessed it, she has lice now!! Just a couple, but nevertheless, there. I immediately checked Aubrey and she had them, also. I called Scott and you could hear him sighing over the phone. Changed my plans yesterday and kept them until 2, so they could go buy more medicine and refumigate the house. After they left, I had to change all the bed linens, wrap comforters and stuffed animals up and vacuum all the carpeting. Then I went to stand in line for an hour to vote. After that, I ran to Toys R Us for 2 things on sale. During all this, I got an email asking if I would work today, so told them okay. Working 12-3 uptown. Had to drive down there last night to see where I could park. Think we finally had dinner around 9. What a weekend!! 2nd job asked my availability in November. I looked at my calendar and I don't think I have any!! It looks full already!! I am so ready to cruise!! I hope y'all had a much quieter w/e. Will check back later............... Martha
Good morning Mary Lou & Peggy- Having a "sleep over party" tonight with Ashley and Aubrey. Scott is bringing them after their afternoon nap, probably around 3- Can't wait. He told them yesterday afternoon and they got soooo excited. Don't know who is more excited; Ashley or me! Have to make a Christmas list for presents and start looking. Got the American Girl, Toys R Us and Fisher Price catalogs in the mail this week. Can't believe the prices for the toys in this economy. I bet there are a lot of sales going on before Christmas! Need to go get my coffee; will check in later. Have a great w/e! Martha
Hi MaryLou & Peggy- MaryLou- Glad your house heated up quickly for you. I can't stand being cold! It seems like the older I get, the worse the cold feels. Lee likes it cooler, so sometimes I wear my coat inside! Peggy- what are you doing this weekend? I saw you cancelled Boston. I have reached my goal of wt loss; now I can actually wear my clothes once again. Need to leave for work shortly. Have a good day! Martha
Hi MaryLou- Did Dave and his wife have a good trip? Did they enjoy themselves? I bet the kids were excited to have them home! How are Ashleigh and TJ? Have you had a chance to talk with them? Hope your home warms up fast! It would have been great to have you on the Majesty; maybe next time! Peggy- Did you get your shopping done? I hope your friend's biopsy goes well. My mother is a 4 yr. survivor!! She is 85 and doing quite well. Had her checkup yesterday. Lee is helping at early vote so I've been alone today. At least I've gotten some rest. Have a good evening.
Hi MaryLou and Peggy- Have to share good news- Cost of my Majesty cruise went down again-We paid $129 pp for the Q inside, and it dropped to $119. BUT, we just upgraded to outside oceanview on deck 8 (category I) for $139 pp!! And, we got the room we wanted! Pretty good day, so far!! Martha
Hi MaryLou- No, we don't have any interest in the Murder Mystery Dinner. Peggy- you will have to go for us and let us know about it!!
Hi MaryLou and Peggy! Peggy- I'm so sorry your night got cancelled, but I hope you had a good time at dinner. MaryLou- sorry your laptop is acting up. I have been really wanting a laptop, but I guess I will have to ask Santa- that's about the only way I could get one!! Yeah- the car is in the shop so I am not doing anything today. I survived. Got some bad news yesterday; my uncle had 2 brain tumors which were removed and they were cancerous. He will be discharged to an acute care rehab center and will need to undergo chemo. I hate cancer!! Will check in periodically today. Have a lot to catch up on! Martha
Hi MaryLou- Glad you are feeling better! I bet you are exhausted. It's always nice to sleep in your own bed. I know you enjoyed visiting with the grandkids, though. I have completed the first 9 day stretch and am off all day tomorrow. Have to get up early and take the car to have the brakes done. After that, nothing all day. Work Fri, then off Sat/Sun and Mon. Having Ashley and Aubrey for a sleepover Sat pm. Next week, I did it to myself again! I work T/W/Th/F/S/Sun and then I am off Mon. Not so bad that week!! Have to go; dinner is ready!
Peggy- I am so excited for you!! We haven't been out in quite a while, either. I hope you have a wonderful time. Dance for me!!
Hi- on my way out the door. Took advil last pm for a h/a and woke up around 11:30 with the worst heartburn I ever had. Burning so bad I was bent over. Took a pepcid and had to sit up for 2 hrs. before I got relief. Soooooooooo tired today. I have an all day flu clinic so won't be back until dinner time. MaryLou- I hope you feel better. Please get some rest; for both of us! Will talk to you tonight. Have a great day Martha
Yeah- that was me!! Didn't you see the red hair flying in the breeze?? I tried waving you down, but nobody but that nice policeman saw me; don't worry- he couldn't catch me!! Can you get some ear plugs or something? We can make up a bed for you out by the pool; that way, you don't need to worry about chairhogs!
Hi- Sounds like you and Peggy had a good time at lunch! Sorry I missed you; I drove up just as you were leaving!! I think it has really hit me today. I am exhausted. Was supposed to be working from 6:30-9 today. Didn't get home until about 12:15- Tomorrow I will be working from 7:30-3:30. I work Wed. at my urgent care (12 hrs) then I am off Thurs!!!!! They emailed me last night asking me to work Thurs., but I told them I just couldn't. I feel badly turning down the money, but I just don't think I could do it. 7 weeks is not a very long time; especially since we are leaving Dec. 2. I guess I will need to start figuring out what to bring. The new couple from England sound very nice. I am really starting to get excited to meet y'all in person!!
Hi MaryLou & Peggy- Sure, I would love to join you for lunch; I'll be right there!! I don't think I eat or sleep anyway, driving 8 hrs. wouldn't make a difference!! Glad to hear things are going pretty well, MaryLou. When will you be back home? Next Monday?? Peggy- I saw your post about Quest. We have participated several times, not sure if we will participate or just watch this time. Last time got a little rough. Never heard of Charlie Brown's so I don't think they are in NC. Guess we are neglected!! Will check in later. Martha
Hi- quick check in as I am really tired and hungry. MaryLou- my son played soccer and we loved going to watch. I bet that was fun! I'm glad he is feeling better. It sounds like you are really enjoying yourselves with the kids. I'm with Jim; no decaf anything for me!!! Peggy- my cruise documents for the last cruise I was on said 2 formal nights for an 11 night cruise, so that is what I am bringing!! What is Charlie Brown's? Have to go; my stomach is grumbling. Martha
Good morning, Mary Lou & Peggy, Peggy- I'm sorry, but I don't know about the Murder Mystery Dinner. Sorry you lost your post; that is the most annoying thing!! What are your plans for the w/e? MaryLou- how is Colin? Hope he is doing better. Hope Dave and his wife have a wonderful time on their cruise! Time to leave for work; only 5 days more to work! Have a good day. Martha