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About 55ChevyLady

  • Birthday February 28

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  • Country
    United States


  • First Cruise Year
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  • Favorite Shipboard Activity
    Ocean watching
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  1. I guess I must had missed the news about this one, I am not very good at checking my e-mail so I might had missed the invite....don't know if I will be able to make it or not. I just can't commit that far in advance. But thanks anyway.
  2. I hope you and Kathy have a WONDERFUL cruise!
  3. News Flash...Alert CNN! My Bags Are Packed! Safe Travels Everybody and I will See You In Miami!
  4. Thanks everybody! I wish all of you could come with us and it would be the biggest get together ever. I know this is going to be the cruise of a lifetime for me! We will all have a drink for all our CruiseCrazie friends.
  5. Thanks Jennifer! I will do my part to generate the stories, gossip, and photos!
  6. Good morning everybody! How are all my cruize buds this morning? Busy day for me today...got a Daddy appt. Going to go to school and take Rose out of class to take her to the Book Fair. I can't do it next week... I have planned today to finish up all my telephoning of business and banking and paying bills....yeah, i know, last minute! Because i was going to the bank today and getting in the boxes I told Jerry I wanted him to go get my will last night so I could put it in the box at the bank...it was supposed to had been in the safe here at home...guess what? it wasn't! LOL (neither was his either) So once again I have missing legal papers! LOL I can only hope i have already put them in the bank and forgotten doing it. It coulda happened! LOL Oh yes, packing. i have started. The only problem is I pack something and then I take everything out and start over...it is going to be a LONG couple of days for me! See 'ya all soon.
  7. Good morning everybody! Hope all is well in Connie Cruize Land... Here is an installment for the followers of "As the Cruiseships Turns"...the hair color is now much better. I have MAJOR blond hi-lites in my hair now so that has really toned down the red. But looking at it this morning it does look I had my hair frosted red and blond! LOL Oh well, it is better than it was... Here is a breakdown of what everyone at home said...Hubby ~ I liked it alot better. Rose ~ I like it fine, but I liked the red better...now get what Rachael said... she said I looked like a "fruitbowl" I guess if I had some lime coloring in my hair that would kinda qualify...I do have the lemon, orange, pineapple (for brown) and apple coloring going on! The nail job turned out well, didn't get the color I wanted, she was out if it. Guess I should had called first to find out...but she did give me the bottle to take with me for touch-ups. So the answer to the question of color or no color for me is COLOR have a super great day everybody! I gots lots to do and a short time to do it in.
  8. HI everybody! I have my dresses back now so maybe I can start to pack!...WOW! one of them is now too short, one had to resort to going back to being too long. One is just right. Didn't try on the one I didn't ask the lady to alter...that one was in to just be cleaned. I can not stand anymore "dress crisis" at the moment...not a happy cruiser today. Who in the world alters a black dress with white thread....Film at 11:00 P.S. also locked the keys in my car AGAIN and had a MAJOR jewerly crisis...going to TRY and have the train wreck of my hair color fixed tomorrow and my nails. A doc. appt. tomorrow also and a Daddy doc appt. Thursday and Friday. So far Sat. is free. Have a good evening everybody...I am having a drink.
  9. HI everybody! I have my dresses back now so maybe I can start to pack!...WOW! one of them is now too short, one had to resort to going back to being too long. One is just right. Didn't try on the one I didn't ask the lady to alter...that one was in to just be cleaned. I can not stand anymore "dress crisis" at the moment...not a happy cruiser today. Who in the world alters a black dress with white thread....Film at 11:00 P.S. also locked the keys in my car AGAIN and had a MAJOR jewerly crisis...going to TRY and have the train wreck of my hair color fixed tomorrow and my nails. A doc. appt. tomorrow also and a Daddy doc appt. Thursday and Friday. So far Sat. is free. Have a good evening everybody...I am having a drink.
  10. Do you mean that getting to steer isn't part of the package? I was planning on us all taking turns. I thought that came with Concierge Cabins...... Me TOO! Didn't you get the Memo! ? At least I THOUGHT I did!
  11. Do you mean that getting to steer isn't part of the package? I was planning on us all taking turns. I thought that came with Concierge Cabins...... Me TOO! Didn't you get the Memo! ? At least I THOUGHT I did!
  12. what can I say...The Captain of the Connie when he realizes all these crazy Cruisecrazie people are fixin to board! and all i wanted to do was steer...
  13. what can I say...The Captain of the Connie when he realizes all these crazy Cruisecrazie people are fixin to board! and all i wanted to do was steer...
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