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Everything posted by Shaunna

  1. Hello and welcome to CruiseCrazies!

  2. Hello and welcome to CruiseCrazies!

  3. Shaunna

    Hello and welcome to CruiseCrazies!


  5. Hello and welcome to CruiseCrazies!

  6. Hello and welcome to CruiseCrazies!

  7. Maybe it won't be too bad. I'm scared of fish too but there is something so graceful about rays that make it "okay".
  8. I'd book it independently as it would be cheaper but that's just me. I wanted to do that when I was there and will when we go back. I think it would be totally worth it but that also is just me. We really liked Florida. I can't remember why we didn't go because we were going to go out at dark because how cool is that????? Oh yeah.. money dried up. We didn't want to not have booz on the ship so something had to go..LOL. Since we were doing a day before and a day after we literally rented a car twice. We really like having our own transportation when sight seeing so it will likely be a problem if you are not going to rent a car. Maybe our Florida natives will have suggestions. We booked our car through Southwest and got a great deal. Good luck!!
  9. Hello and welcome to CruiseCrazies! Your Sensation cruise sounds awesome! You will have a nice big crowd to have fun with.. Don't know on DOD cards. Maybe someone else will know. I'm a relative newbe to cruising but sure am addicted now. Again, welcome!!!

  10. Have a great birthday!

  11. Hello and welcome to CruiseCrazies!

  12. Hello and welcome to CruiseCrazies!

  13. Hello and welcome to CruiseCrazies!

  14. Thanks!! Feeling much better now. Whew!

  15. Just wanted to drop by and say HAPPY BIRTHDAY! Hope you had a great day!!

  16. Hi and welcome to CruiseCrazies!!

  17. I understand all to well about the restarting your life thing. LOL...You will get the swing of things. This part of the site is new for us too so we are also learning it. I'm so glad you joined! There is help available at:


    Check that out as it may address some issues you are having. I look forward to getting to know you better.

  18. Hello and welcome to CruiseCrazies!

  19. Hello and welcome to CruiseCrazies!!

  20. Hello and welcome to CruiseCrazies!

  21. Hello and welcome to CruiseCrazies!!

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