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Everything posted by Shaunna

  1. Quick check today... we are at Cozumel with DH breathing over my shoulder to go so must make this quick. We have all new pictures with some of the ladies from the League. We have autographs and it's been a real unique experience to hear their stories. They have no problems telling you what position they played and we actually talked with one lady last night who would have been the first woman on the real mens league but her mom said no... We see Lefty a lot ... she is a real hoot. She had a nice day yesterday at the Caymans ... we chatted right before dinner. Gina Davis played her...she's the one who didn't get back on the bus... still played for several years though. The movie made it seem shorter. Well...must run.. still HAVING A BLAST!!!!! Oh..first impressions were I'm not sure.. ranks up there with seeing the ocean for the first time.. I've seen cruise ships before because we lived near San Diego (kinda) but actually getting on one was awe inspiring. Plan to get on many more.
  2. Wow!!!!!!!!!!!!! Yep...we are having fun! It's been great thus far. No way we could ever do it all so I guess that's why you just have to go back. DH is in the fitness center right now so I thought I'd get away for the computer time. We are sailing with A League of their Own...yep...the real deal. I have pictures too. DH knows names but for us that was pretty cool. We actually boarded the ship right behind them... Lefty is here and she's a hoot!!! Tonight is formal night...we have three ladies from Tennessee who have only one suitcase each and are not dressing up. We are dressing up but I am not going cocktail...I will probably do that next time. Well just a hiya and with this internet speed I probably won't be able to totally catch up too much until I get back but I'm going to try.. Later..... Loving every minute of it!
  3. Thanks for the last Bon Voyages.....Yep Cheryl (GC)...we for sure hit the Windjammer first!!! Having a blast.
  4. Thanks DebbieandJerry! It's going to be soooo weird traveling on the 31st. Too bad the cruise doesn't start till the 1st but we are flying out Friday. I plan to be as festive as possible. hehe
  5. Thanks Steve! I can hardly wait!!!
  6. Thanks Rose, Deb, Keith & Rita, Joey & David, Kevin (haha won't find anything), Joey, and Cheryl. What kind of person knows she is going to be cruise crazy before she even goes! All of you have been a great inspiration and have made me feel much more educated which is exactly the home I was looking for. I feel like I won't be some clueless dumba$$ (okay so maybe I will be a little). I'm already looking forward to our next cruise and I'm also looking forward to my first review. Thanks again everyone!!!!
  7. Thanks Falina! We Just can't wait.
  8. Thanks MaryLou and Bob! I'm just sooooo excited!!!!!
  9. Nice to see no iguanas I'm sure. Can't wait for your review because that will be our ship. Have fun!!
  10. Hoping you have a most WONDERFUL time!!!
  11. DH's idea really so I must give him all the credit. At his job all of his buddies have done several cruises so I guess it was peer pressure. From what I've seen on this board it looks like we will be hooked.
  12. Rose, glad you are having a good time. Hope you enjoyed the spa. Very, very good to hear from you. Have a drink or two for me!!
  13. Oh how awesome to hear from you. Glad it's off to a grand start. You guys all have fun!!!
  14. Be safe and have fun!!!!!! WOO HOO
  15. Have a fantastic time you two! Alaska..ahh.. I'll get there soon. DH keeps pestering me. Enjoy! Enjoy! Enjoy!
  16. Bad Kevin! :laugh :laugh:: You guys all have a WONDERFUL time!
  17. Giddy Up Oom Poppa Omm Poppa Mow Mow Giddy Up Oom Poppa Omm Poppa Mow Mow Wow..what a blast from the past. Just a singing right along. I will say I am so impressed with the pics of everyone. Everyone looks so fabulous! Heigh-ho Silver, away!!
  18. Oh good grief! That's just ridiculous.
  19. How wonderful of you to do. That was very cool!!
  20. With tempers like that and it obviously being a big thing the clarification helps. Thanks for starting this topic Joey.
  21. Thanks Joey and others.. I doubt we would even need to go. :::knock on wood:::
  22. I've read up on this or seen it on other forums before I stayed put with ya'll. So... am I guessing it is right to expect if I get up and leave it it's gone? Can DH be in his chair saving mine for me at how long is this acceptable? We are not the type to leave our personal belongings on the chars for someone to steal. I just want to make sure of what is correct so I won't accidentally do anything to offend anyone. hehe
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