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Everything posted by Shaunna

  1. Okay.. stupid question. If you use it for anything..sea sickness, etc. what do they charge?
  2. I can't either. Maybe it's just down tonight. Maybe it will work tomorrow.
  3. Congrats... dancing with ya! Bad knees so I can't dance for too long. I can hoot and holler though.
  4. I kind of feel weird commenting on this since I'm anxiously awaiting to go on my first cruise but I can say what has possessed us to start cruising. DH and I had gone through a rough patch and we realized we needed a vacation. We haven't had a decent vacation in four years. It was his idea and the more I read up on cruising the more I was sold on the idea and now look at me. I already know we will be addicted and can't wait to book our next one.
  5. Congrats ... must do the snapping of the fingers (bad knees too) and I'm throwing in some hip action (hey this is kinda fun).
  6. OUCH!!! Glad you can still go on your cruise. Have a wonderful time!
  7. Howard, Congrats! It sounds so romantically fun!
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