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Everything posted by coloradocruisers

  1. Hang on to those pictures. Celebrity might need them for restoration purposes after the CruiseCrazies group gets done with that ship. Very nice photos. Looks like you got alot of rain though.
  2. Cheryl, I hope you guys enjoy the Bahamas. What a great time of year to go there. And you get to see your friends in Texas to boot.
  3. Hope you and your group have a great time on the Mariner.
  4. Now Cheryl, you're planning to actually attend the Safety Briefing, right? 'Cuz we all want you to come home safely.
  5. Cheryl, when we sailed on the Conquest last year, I was quite comfortable in my"Glacier Blue" sports coat, and a black linen shirt. That's as formal as I got. I wanted to be comfortable in the tropics, so that's what I wore. There was an occasional tux, but not many.
  6. I'm excited for you guys. It'll be real quiet around here, but you guys are going to have so much fun. Can't wait to hear all the stories, and see the pics of my crazy friends having fun.
  7. Cheryl I think you have few times. My wife may have mentioned it once or twice. My therapist swears to it. Should I be concerned? La la la ........life is good...
  8. Only if you'll take me in your suitcase. You know I'll fit Cheryl! Right down there in between your toiletry bag and your shoes! Looks like Sparky is coming too.
  9. So far I've not been to any of these places Skipper, but I am having fun watching people try to guess,
  10. It was to me and I thought to share. Thats what this forum is all about. Thank you. I was not aware of that either. Thanks!
  11. When I saw the headline, I thought somebody decided to install a roller coaster on a ship! Oops, I hope I don't give them any ideas.
  12. Glad to see you got that picture fixed! You're an upright citizen.

  13. Deb, I'm glad you enjoyed the AOS since we're trying that one next. I guess the Diamond Princes at over 115K gross ton displacement is our largest yet.
  14. I think it depends on what he has posted. Sometimes I can't reply either, if it is a general announcement.
  15. Canaveral National Seashore is also close by, which has a really nice beach. Not sure how much fun it is in November though...
  16. Well that sounds exciting Keith! Were you asleep when that happened?
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