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About wassuupmariposa

  • Birthday October 7

Personal Info

  • First Name
  • Gender


  • First Cruise Year
  • Cruises Sailed
  • Places I've Cruised To
    Western Caribbean
  • Last Cruise Date


  • Pets
    2 mini daschunds
  1. Happy Birthday wassuupmariposa!

  2. love your donald!! glad to have you with us crazies. great people to meet and lots to do. enjoy.. it looks like you are having a b-day...happy happy birthday!

  3. Great avatar - hope to see you posting often

  4. Love the duck welcome aboard

  5. Thanks everyone for the input. We do not have any kids. So it would be just the two of us. Which islands do you all like? I know that is a pretty general question but there are so many places to check out. Also what about ports leaving from? Like SAn Juan, Miami etc. Dina
  6. Ok, I know this question has probably been answered a million times but I need to ask it because I don't know. We would like to go to the Carribbean (Southern or Eastern). What months are the best times to go and what cruise lines would you recommend? My husband and I like to relax, be adventurous, explore new places and do new things. That covers quite a bit. We have been on one cruise and it was to the Western Carribbean. We enjoyed it. We were on the Carnival (I don't remember the ship's name) and did enjoy it. We did not participate in their activities. I think we would like to try a different cruise line. Thanks for your help. Dina
  7. I can't seem to go onto the site either. Should I try later or is there something wrong with it? I would love to get that magazine.
  8. Good Evening everyone! Well it is a scorcher here in Mariposa! So I am dreaming about a cruise to Barcelona and Italy area. Which cruise lines would you recommend and why? I was also thinking of the Southern Caribbean. The only cruise line that I have been on is Carnival. It was fun. We had a balcony room (I don't think I'd settle for anything less now) and it was nice. Here's a bit about me and my DH, we like adventure but we also like to relax. We like to eat and drink too. We are not much into gambling. Oh well if you could let me know that would be great. Have a wonderful evening all! Dina
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