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Everything posted by murr

  1. "Cruise to Nowhere" Click here to view the cruise review
  2. NorwegianBreakaway Click here to view the cruise
  3. Are you going to Maine just to eat Lobster??? Hmmmm!!
  4. When the ship stops and drops anchor. You can see the size of the mountain directly in front of you. It's about 1500 feet high. It's the highest point on the north Atlantic Seabord. It takes 4 miles of winding roads to reach the top. It is well worth the visit.
  5. We're looking for a cruise to celebrate Melonie's 50 birthday that year. Since I don't fly, can I get to these places by train??? LOL!!!!!!!!!!! If so, we're in
  6. The Bar Harbor tour is called "Arcadia National Park". Saint Johns is "The Bay of Fundy tour" I checked my records.
  7. Jackie, We love this area and itinerary. Halifax: You should look into the tour that takes you to Peggy's Cove. A cute little village and lighthouse with a great story. I won't tell you the story, you should go. Leave time to explore the city also. The Wharf area is fantastic, some great shops and restaurants. St Johns: You must do the reversing falls, there are so many excursions for this. It's wild to see how the tide changes from morning to night. Bar Harbor: Take the bus tour to Cadillac Mountain. When we reached the top the ships in the harbor looked like toys floating in a bathtub, you are really up there. Boston: They have a fantastic Aquarium across from the Market Square. The Market Square is worth a visit. That's the extent of our visits to those places. Just a little note, We love the Halifax area. We can't wait to return, we actually thought of moving there in the near future. Hope this helps.
  8. Thanks everyone, it was really good, can't wait till next year. Only 336 days to go.
  9. 456 Click here to view the cruise review
  11. We purchased a Seamiles Card 4 years ago and have been racking up points ever since. So we use the same person every time through the Seamiles program. On the next cruise we are taking, we will get $ 1000. 00 back.
  12. On NCL it is pretty casual, but shorts? I don't think so. Unless they are Bermuda shorts and Long black socks and shoes are worn.
  13. Last cruise we booked a shave. It was pretty good. Until they sold me the cream she used on my face, $73.00 then I realized it wasn't that good.
  14. Had it, needed it, used it. Never leave home without it.
  15. Never had one, never will, we are on vacation. When the smoke clears, we sit and decide who was the worst spender and laugh about it.
  16. When we make up our minds when and where we want to go.
  17. I think the same thing happened on a Carnival ship this past week.
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