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Everything posted by murr

  1. What about the "scariest, most haunted and weirdest" places?
  2. This year, 2009 has outright sucked,(sorry) I actually thought about bailing on this site. Then I thought WHY?, It has consumed most of my day, so I am going to just coast a little. I ask people questions and never get a response. I do care about everyone and I know you care for me. Melonie and I had a great Holiday, but things have been happening that just suck. Thank you for caring Marylou. You may not see much of me on the Daily Dock, but I will be lurking. 2010 has to be better.

  3. Bill, good to have someone else from the Island.

  4. Ditto Larry, some people aren't cruising till 2011, and they check in daily, as you should.
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