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Everything posted by murr

  1. :biggrin: :biggrin: :biggrin:
  2. WELCOME!!!!!!

  3. WELCOME!!!!!!!!

  4. We can't wait to read the reviews on this ship. Food lines, disembarkation, lifeboat drills,etc...
  5. murr

    HAPPY BIRTHDAY!!!, Hope the ribs are better.

  6. murr


  7. WELCOME!!!!!!

  8. WELCOME!!!!!!!

  9. murr


  10. murr

    Feel Better, Rest!!

  11. WELCOME!!!!!!!!!

  12. WELCOME!!!!!!!!!!

  13. WELCOME!!!!!!!!!!

  14. murr


  15. Well Jennifer, you got your wish. At the past guest party there is FREE BOOZE and food!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
  16. WELCOME!!!!!!!!!!!!

  17. murr


  18. WELCOME!!!!!!!!!!!

  19. WELCOME!!!!!!!!!!!!

  20. Thanks all!! Marylou, It's the Carnival Miracle out of NY, goes to Grand Turk, Nassau and Half moon Cay. We haven't been hear before, so it will be a great adventure for my wife and I. I was in Nassau back in 1999 with a group of friends so, I don't remember much. LOL!
  21. Hey fellow cruisers! Remember when I posted how sad I was to cancel my November cruise and all of you were so supportive and we were counting down till September of 2010? Well, we changed to May 2010, Hurray!! Thanks for the support. Now 9 months instead of 13.
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