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Everything posted by RayColey

  1. I agree. You practiced discretion, Ellie, which is commendable. But perhaps next time you should just invite the old bat overboard.
  2. I agree. You practiced discretion, Ellie, which is commendable. But perhaps next time you should just invite the old bat overboard.
  3. Welcome to CruiseCrazies, Brandy!

  4. Welcome to the CruiseCrazies ship, Charles!

  5. Hi, Becky, and welcome aboard our ship! Read a little, post a little, and you'll find a really nice, friendly group here.

  6. We are looking into a Canadian cruise also. What I've found so far suggests that to get good rates plus good ports, we would probably be looking at HAL or NCL. September or early October look good. Would the bear fall off the wagon again?
  7. welcome to CruiseCrazies! I'm planning to get to a Canadian cruise this year...

  8. Welcome to CruiseCrazies from nearby Maryland!

  9. Wecome to Cruise Crazies, Edward!

  10. A CruiseCrazies welcome to a "T"!

  11. Cheryl and Greg, Enjoy your cruise!
  12. Welcome aboard the CruseCrazies ship! (Love your avatar!)

  13. RCI has the ships in service. They saw an opportunity to help out during the course of their business. I don't see how anyone can object while RCI is helping people. I'd like to see the checkbooks of those who object, just to see how much they contributed to disaster relief around the world over the past year....
  14. Welcome to our cruising community, Jocelyn! We are looking at a HAL cruise for next fall....

  15. Welcome to our cruisin' home, Ann!

  16. Hello and welcome to the Cruise Crazies ship, Ellen!

  17. Welcome to our cruising community, Laura!

  18. Welcome to Cruise Crazies, Patty!

  19. Nice to meet you too, Diana. Lots of us hang around the Daily Dock (look under "Forums" for the "General" area, where you'll find the Daily Dock). Drop by and get to know us!

  20. Hi, Becky! Welcome to Cruise Crazies. Friendly people and lotsa cruisin'!

  21. Hi, Tom! Welcome to our cruisin' community!

  22. Hi, David! Welcome to CruiseCrazies!

  23. Nice to have you aboard, Diana!

  24. Welcome to the good ship CruiseCrazies, Pat!

  25. Welcome to Cruise Crazies, Wendy!

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