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About kidsfirst

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  1. beautiful photo!! really love your screen name. either you have children or at least one of you is a teacher. which is it?? was i close at all?? glad to have you with us here at the best group of crazies around. many fantastic people to meet and lots to do. enjoy yourselves. and, congrads on your 1st cruise!

  2. Brenda, welcome aboard. Very nice picture.

  3. Hello and welcome to CruiseCrazies!

  4. Hello, I just booked this trip. I am so excited as it is my first cruise. Is anyone else on this trip or does anyone have any insite on this cruise? Thanks! Brenda and Phillip
  5. Welcome Aboard!! Glad to have you with us!

  6. Welcome aboard the CruiseCrazies ship!

  7. Welcome aboard the Cruise Crazies ship, Brenda! Wander around the forums to get a feel for the (large) site, then just dive in! The water's warm and friendly. You can find a lot of us bantering back and forth on the Daily Dock (Forums/General/Daily Dock - November).

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