according to the new guidelines, the amount of Royal Caribbean tips per day will be slightly changed - from the old $13,90 (suites)/$11,65 (the rest) to the new, respectively, $14,25/$12 pp pd. But this is not all - by the new tipping policy on RCCL ships tips will be charged automatically to your seapass account, plus there will be an option if you're not satisfied with the service of, say, your cabin steward or the wait service in the MDR you'll be allowed to reduce or even get back all your prepaid tips. That article also has this link for the guidelines of the Carnival cruise lines gratuities policy, but what I found interesting there is that they say tips are not extra money but real salaries for the hotel service staff on board all these huge ships - obviously many thousands of people do count on these prepaid gratuities. I don't know if this is quite true but could it really be that the hotel staff has a salary of under $100 PER MONTH?!?! And the real money for them are our tipping money?