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Everything posted by WeCruiseToo

  1. Welcome to CruiseCrazies! We all love cruising and this is a great place for help planning your next trip and talking about past adventures!
  2. You’re right Greg – without taking anything away from Disney, that’s really not a bad way to describe Celebrity. The high quality and attention to detail that Disney is famous for are abundantly visible on Celebrity! If someone forced us to pick, Celebrity would be our favorite cruise line right now! (Fortunately we don’t have to pick though, because we really do love them all!)
  3. How cool is it that the media goes to Jason when they need a quote from an expert! Plus the respected opinions of all the CruiseCrazies members who participated in Jason’s surveys!
  4. Welcome to CruiseCrazies! We all love cruising and this is a great place for help planning your next trip and talking about past adventures!
  5. Welcome to CruiseCrazies! We all love cruising and this is a great place for help planning your next trip and talking about past adventures!
  6. Welcome to CruiseCrazies! We all love cruising and this is a great place for help planning your next trip and talking about past adventures!
  7. Welcome to CruiseCrazies! We all love cruising and this is a great place for help planning your next trip and talking about past adventures!
  8. Welcome to CruiseCrazies! We all love cruising and this is a great place for help planning your next trip and talking about past adventures!
  9. Welcome to CruiseCrazies! We all love cruising and this is a great place for help planning your next trip and talking about past adventures!
  10. Welcome to CruiseCrazies! We all love cruising and this is a great place for help planning your next trip and talking about past adventures!
  11. So, technically, the ship could function perfectly fine and no one would be any the wiser. I wonder if in the past, before being the focus of this harsh media spotlight, ships sailed with malfunctioning emergency backup generators? For that matter, how long have cruise ships even had emergency backup generators? It seems like the cruise line went above and beyond when considering the safety and comfort of their passengers but the media instead chose to make a story out of a single restroom being cleaned. Go figure.
  12. Hmmm, I hit submit and it returned me to a blank survey after a few seconds. Hopefully it went through because I entered quite a bit…
  13. Welcome to CruiseCrazies! We all love cruising and this is a great place for help planning your next trip and talking about past adventures!
  14. We’ve docked next to AIDA ships several times – they always look very nice and seem to have good amenities. Of course the primary language aboard is German so it probably wouldn’t be as enjoyable for us (we could probably order in the restaurant and follow directions, but there’s no way we’re having any conversations). Still, if a fantastic deal comes along we’d give it a try!
  15. Norwegian has had great success with their previous “partnership” ventures so this should be a very cool venue indeed!
  16. There are lots of great reasons to love river cruising Jan! If this is what it takes to get him on his first one just go along with it – he’ll be hooked in no time!
  17. Whenever we book a cruise, we always look to see who’s on the same one and we check again as the sail date nears. It’s always fun to meet our fellow cruisers!
  18. Welcome to CruiseCrazies! We all love cruising and this is a great place for help planning your next trip and talking about past adventures!
  19. When lawyers who admittedly make their livings by suing cruise lines tell you there is no case to be had, I think it says the cruise line must have handled things in the best way they could and offered compensation far exceeding what was necessary.
  20. We’ve tried just about everything over the years. There may be a few things we won’t go out of our way to do again, but if we’re traveling with people who want to do one of those things I don’t think we’d avoid it. We do not stress or worry – and because of that we never have a bad vacation!
  21. I certainly can’t think of anything. Hopefully we’ll be cruising regularly for a long time to come!
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