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Everything posted by scottlara1961

  1. “@joshhenderson: This is awesome ha! RT @dawna_mcghie: @HenderGren @joshhenderson just found this on my windshield:) http://t.co/K408jj2nT9”

  2. Carnival cancels trips as Triumph taken out of service | Fox News http://t.co/faaVENH371 via @foxnews and @CruiseGuy quoted.

  3. One of the most favorite things Marty enjoys on @HALcruises. Taking free computer classes! #HALcruises http://t.co/4TTKEbOsst

  4. Episode 184 – Cruise Passenger Bill of Rights http://t.co/FxtOxwxuqy via @CruiseRadio with @CruiseLaw as a guest.

  5. “@USATODAY: Study links 180,000 global deaths to sugary drinks http://t.co/k7yMF9761Q”

  6. Marty and I really enjoyed The Greenhouse Spa on the @HALcruises #Eurodam. Happy #TT http://t.co/ndPSFpxL9E

  7. Sugary drinks linked to 180,000 deaths worldwide - http://t.co/5Vi1iLIUxK http://t.co/fXeaRFwUwq #soda

  8. Carnival Cruise Lines And Why Third Party Travel Insurance Pays http://t.co/i9QDpvZekz via @HuffPostTravel

  9. Clarified US rules mean #travel bloggers must disclose press trips in relevant tweets | Tnooz http://t.co/ushUIVINLk via @Tnooz

  10. “@SimplyStAug: Twittersphere: I only need 16 more likes on facebook to hit 1,000...https://t.co/ih7QqDAlnP Retweet #pleaseandthanks”. DONE

  11. So what, I don't care - it ain't stopping me! http://t.co/JRV53pACvi via @sharethis @cruiseman3000

  12. RT if you think @Dallas_TNT will be off the chain tonight. #dallastnt #teamjohnross

  13. Media Botches Carnival Stories, Record Set Straight http://t.co/5HG248LqS3 via @CruiseRadio

  14. Heading out shortly to get some video of the @CarnivalCruise #Fascination leaving @JAXPORT #Jacksonville

  15. VIDEO: #SarahPalin Speech at #CPAC2013 President Obama, Step Away From the Teleprompter and Do Your Job. http://t.co/6pSRR2WGhX

  16. Another Saturday, another day to watch #cruise ships leaving port at http://t.co/sb1sphGcR2 including the @HALcruises #Eurodam

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