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Everything posted by Miranda

  1. Hi Zlatko, Thank you so much for sharing this story with us. The crew are always amazing and will do about anything to make you feel special. I've got a lot of friends among them. And I think most of the cruisers appreciate and love you right back. I know this lot on this site sure do! Wishing you all the best! Miranda
  2. Welcome Aboard the friendliest Cruise community on the web.
  3. Welcome to the friendliest Cruise community on the web! We like to get to know you!
  4. My first ocean cruise after a year and a half and I can't wait. Any of you Crazies on this ship at the same time? Let me know and I'll try to find you, love to meet you. Only 14 more days to go!!!
  5. Jan, maybe not in your cards for 2020, but how about 2022?
  6. Wow Andi, that's on my bucket list as well. I just might join you. It would be nice to get a group together again.
  7. I don't know about you, but I don't really need free kids to go with my cruise 😇
  8. I found another one to Japan on the Diamond Princess in August. Looks pretty good to me https://www.princess.com/find/cruiseDetails.do?voyageCode=M028. Who's in?
  9. I found one in May next year on the Apex (Edge's sister) to Spain and Portugal https://www.celebritycruises.com/itinerary-details/10-night-uk-spain-portugal-and-france-from-southampton-england?packageID=AX10U065&sDT=2020-05-10&cCD=CO Anyone up for that one?
  10. Love to do the Edge of course, but January/February not too much, March/April/May and Summer months are more manageable. Enchanted Princess sounds good to me too. Virgin is just sailing the Carribbean for just a couple of days and is pretty expensive, unless that changed.
  11. Wow Andi, that ship looks AMAZING. And that food sounds really really good. Hope to be on the Edge one day. Jan mentioned to try that next year. How about a group cruise?
  12. Have a great trip Jackie, enjoy every minute of it! You worked hard and deserve an amazing time.
  13. Hey PeggynLarry, So good to see you here and you actually signed up! Be sure to check out our Daily Dock, where we talk about cruising, but also other daily stuff. If you go to Get social, you'll find the group cruises for 2019 and even 2020 as well. It would be so great to have you join us for August 9th next year! You guys will fit right in our group! Miranda
  14. I think I will be in. And I send an email to my 'cruise friends' as well and told them about CC and the group cruise. Some people I met on the Sapphire are going to check out the website as well and may sign up too. I told them it's the friendliest cruise forum, no name calling, but always respecting each other. And there no such thing as stupid questions or remarks. So who knows. It would be nice to expand right?
  15. What does that mean for us that 3 for free sale? How many of the CC are coming? I'm still thinking about it and I'm trying to get more people to join. When do I have to have the answer?
  16. Well I'm certainly in. I do love to see those beautiful colors, so I don't know which date would be best. But I guess you do Jan. Can't find flights for that month yet, only until August 2019.
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