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Everything posted by moonbee73

  1. Great topic. I love to ski also, unfortunately you can't get to the mountains on a cruise ship :)
  2. My husband and I just came back from Aruba. 5 days there costs us what it would of cost to go on 2 cruises. It's crazy. So many people think they will feel trapped on a cruise ship. They are silly
  3. Hi I'm thinking about doing a cruise out of New York on the new Norweigian Breakaway in either December or February. I know it will be freezing when we leave, does anyone know how the seas will be that time of year? I've never done the Bermuda cruise because I do get motion sick and have always heard that was a rough cruise
  4. Nice to read this, sometimes the media makes it sound so much worse
  5. Hi All, I just joined this site this morning. I love love love cruising. Hoping to learn all I can from others on these boards. I would love to start selling cruises part time but there are so many host agencies and fees how the heck does a non travel agent figure out which one is a good one. I guess time will tell. I look forward to chatting with you all. Have a great day
  6. Hi, I just joined this site, can't believe I never found it before. Excited to learn more than I already know :)
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