This same disgusting thievery of property is standard operating procedure at the Port Authority Bus Terminal's Lost & Found Dept. in NYC by its Supervisors. Google “Donna Lebourne abc news" & watch the vile face of shame being confronted & exposed.
Port Authority Supervisor Donna Lebourne has an outside job, she is the Vice President of her & her husband’s charity Caribbean Sports International that donates cellphones & other electronics. If you lost an item at the Port Authority Bus Terminal and did not get it back, contact her charity, perhaps she may donate your item back to you out of the kindness of her evil heart. It's very easy to be charitable when you are giving away someone else's property.
The Port Authority allows these crimes by their supervisors & their enablers to go unpunished. They will aggressively prosecute and punish contractors, sub-contractors, vendors etc. However, prosecuting and punishing their own employees is quite a different subject. Hmm...why is that?
The Port Authority also has an illegal policy of throwing lost valid passports found at the PABT in the garbage, for anyone to find & use for their own nefarious purposes. The Port Authority’s illegal passport policy is criminally insane in this age of global terrorism and rampant identity theft. Wouldn’t that be an act of treason against the United States of America? The Port Authority has become an imminent threat to national security. Google “Port Authority - passports” & “found, stolen, trashed by PA”
No one should be above the law no matter who they are and who they work for.