In a few days we board the norweigan star and have mixed readings on the smoking policy of ncl and even access to venues using no stairs for guests in wheelchairs and those like us who cant access stairs at all.
We feel a little guide should be drawn up to show disabled guests whats allowed and whats not allowed where they get access to main dining room the entertainment areas and if they can access the pool and other areas as a example.
Norweigan cruise lines are a great company and we have never cruised before but some one even guests should have done some kind of guide. smoking and access should be equall for all in 2022 anyone had smoking or access issues good and bad on a ncl ship.
I think also every company who has a disibility policy should provide a online guide booklet to show people the cabins the areas they need to access by video or by photos as all disibilities arent in plain sight often disibilities are well hidden.
Norweigan has a access cordinator but this is when you arrive some people need this information in advance.
Smoking isnt good for you but should be made for all guests or no guests.