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Luggage Restrictions

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:undecided: :huh: Hope someone can help . What are the airline restrictions on luggage? We booked our flight thru RCI so I don't know what airline we are flying on. What size can qualify for carry on and how many are we allowed. Does the camera bag and my waist bag count. Other then those we have a big pullman, a small pullman , a regular carry on and a " carry on garment bag". Any help would be great. Rember I am a real Newbie . ( never cruised yet)

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It varies by airline and you won't know what airline you are using until you get your tickets.

Generally, flying domestic, you are allowed two pieces of checked luggage per person. Each piece should weigh 50 lbs or less and have a max total measurement (length + height + width) of 72 inches. For carry on you are allowed one piece of luggage, max weight 20 lbs, total size 44 ins. In addition you are allowed an additional carryon such as a camera bag, ladies handbag, portable computer, brief case etc.

As I said it varies by airline, some allow up to 70lbs for checked luggage. I don't know where you are sailing from, but our next cruise is from San Juan and we are flying United, and they consider San Juan to be an international flight. So we get international allowances which are a little better than domestic.

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