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Walkie Talkie's

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Ok, I've read many people on Cruises HATE hearing kids and parents on Walkie Talkies....

We will beat into our kids heads the rules while on the ship.. BUT I'm uneasy when the girls say need to use the bathroom, not sure the other will want to follow...or they get seperated...and I don't want my son to feel he needs to watch the girls and not have fun...

I mean while they are all in the arcade or something he could maybe keep an eye out.. just incase of kid trouble..

I don't want them to think b/c we are on a ship they are to let there guard down..there can be sickos on ships also..

So do I get the walkie talkies ? and have that piece of mind ? I don't want to interupt other people's Cruises either....

I'm more worried about the girls..as once they get playing or doing something they woukldn't know a building fell down around them,..lol..

We have these rules that we will set into place if you have any others can you share them:

don't ever go to anyones room,EVER!!!!!

don't ever leave an area that you told us you would be at without telling us..

try not to go to the bathrooms alone

if your lost on the ship, ask a employee for help..

If anyone grabs you, Yell fire you'll get help faster...

Don't tell anyone any personal info. like mom & dad are playing Bingo all day we are alone.

Don't tell anyone your room number..

Thanks again


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Checking on your kids safety takes precedent over annoying some people. All parents should be so concerned. It's not the walkie-talkies that are annoying--it's how some people use them that's annoying. Just like cell phones in restaurants, etc., were people are just jibber jabbering and talking loudly about unimportant stuff.

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Both annoying and a good idea. You seem to be concerned about equally important issues, for which you should be commended.

Go ahead and use walkie talkies to keep in touch with your kids, as that will make you comfortable. But you can use them in a fashion that does not have to be annoying to others. Just move to an area where you won't be bothering others and talk as long as you want. Problem solved.

I hope you all have a great time.


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Thanks for all the posts,

I do agree my kids saftey is top priority..but I also know that Walkie Talkies can be quite loud inside and out to hear, thats why I thought sitting by the pool and my kids like "Mom Can you hear me mom" hello mom..lol..echo across the pool..might be a disturbance to others, :tongue:

I will say I am willing to follow the kids around, but my kids "teens" they want no part of it..lol.....apparently its not cool to have ME "flutter eye lashes here" I am not cool not even close....tee hee

I wish our cell phones would work on board as that would be a better way...but roaming is terrible..

I will say at the dinning room we would NEVER use the walkiie talkies..tee hee

Thanks everyone :smiley:

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