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Westjet is showing approx $2800. Air Canada about $3400, and Northwest about $3100. Westjet is an early departure of 1050 am from FLL on the way home. Normally, this would be considered pushing it, but it is Christmas Day, so the airport won't be as busy. Still not sure I'd take the chance. Plus, it has 3 1/2 hours in Toronto each way.

Air Canada has a good flight schedule, with a 1230 FLL departure to Ottawa, a 70 minute layover, and a flight on their new CRJ 705 regional jets. I've heard great things about these new planes, and that Air Canada has them set up quite spaciously.

Northwest also has good flight schedules each way. It has the latest FLL departure at 120pm, and 2 1/2 hour layover in Minneapolis. It also has an hour less total time sitting in a plane than Air Canada, although total travel time is about the same.

All things considered, for 5 people I'd personally go with Northwest. I'm just not convinced that the Westjet FLL departure is a do-able time, and if you miss that flight you are sitting there for a day (Christmas Day at that, what fun LOL). Plus Westjet hasn't been having a good run at their US flights, especially from Toronto. I wouldn't be surprised to see them change their schedule around again.

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Hey Dan...

I too am leary of West Jet..but I'm an Air Canada hater..lol...rather give my money to ANY other airline...so will avoid them if I can..so far they have been higher..so ts been easy to avoid them..lol..

We also have to take into the time we get back into Winnipeg as we have a 3 1/2 hour drive home in the winter and dark...so the earlier we get back the better....

The day we leave 25th is actually a few days after the Cruise so we could make that flight no problem if we get up in time..lol..

We would stay longer but dh has to work night shift on the 26th..so we have to make it home..lol..

So I have been checking Northwest daily too...

So do you think the fares will drop just b/4 school goes back or Fall??

Thanks again for the help..its GREAT :grin:

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Honestly, I don't think fares for then will drop much, if at all. As said, it is a heavier travel time. Seat sales I've seen advertised end the week before you are leaving. Unfortunately, the NWA flights is the latest one getting into Winnipeg, at 820pm, but I don't know if paying the extra money to get in at 7 on Air Canada is worth it for you either.

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