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Movies onboard??

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Last year when we stayed out to sea for three more days because of the hurricanes they started showing movies in the nightclub in the afternoons and we did go see one. It was Masters and Commanders which we wouldn't have chosen on land but turned out to be a great movie so I am glad we went

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Well I saw that the Explorer has a screening room and says it shows up to date Movies..justr be a good place for my odd to hang to take a break and not with mom & dad..lol..

I'll keep checking as I know someone will have the programs just curious to see what movies are on

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I know you didn't mean it was a bad thing, I've gotten a few comments "Like why do things you can do at home".

I think there is so much to do on a Cruise is b/c everyone likes something different.. I do agree not sure someone can be bored on a Cruise..

But its a great way for us to make it appear to odd that its an option to watch a Movie at sea...kind of cool thing..not lame..lol..and we still get her to take it easy....

Still checking for older programs...I'll post if i find out the Movies..

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In July on our day at sea, we watched "The Lion King". I only watched it until the next activity started, but hubby watched the entire thing. It was held in the same lounge where they do the karaoke, so there were quite a few people in there waiting for karaoke to start.

I've never watched an entire movie in the cabin...only caught snips of movies while we were getting ready for dinner or whatever. We spend as little time in the cabin as possible...there's so much to do on a cruise.

I would also think if your daughter is part of a cruise camp, they'll run movies for the kids. Ann, I know this is probably a silly question, because everyone else knows what it is...but what do the initials "o"dd stand for? dd is dear daughter, I assume, but the "o"?

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Wait! It just hit me...is that "oldest" daughter? Yeah, must be...really, you need to just take the time and write out "oldest"...Everytime I see "odd" I think there's something strange about her. LOL!

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LOL..at Sue....yes it is oldest and ydd is youngest..lol..

and hey she is a bit odd..lol.. :wink:

I posted to a lady that is on board as I type on the Explorer and she is going to check what Movies they are playing now..so that will be neat to find out...

and I will write oldest from now on.. :wink:

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I think I might be tempted to watch a movie on one of those giant LED screens that they are installing on some ships, on the Lido deck. That would be different. You get to sit on a lounge chair, on deck, have a frozen thingee, watch the ocean go by and see a movie. Now, there's something you can't do back home!

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I got a chance to watch movies on the giant screen of the Carnival Liberty. The only problem was I usually would stay up for the late movie. The lounge chairs were so comfortable and I felt so secure on the ship that I would always fall asleep during the movie. :grin: :grin: :grin:

The big screen concept on the Lido deck is a great idea. They even have on ship shananigans that go on during the day. Yes, the picture is good even during the day.

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Live from the Explorer they are playing:

1. I found out that they are playing Ms. COngeniality 2 and some movie called Stealth. There was another one to but can't remember the name.

So the kids will be thrilled and we can con oldest dd to maybe catch a flick for a break..lol.. :wink:

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