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I need some input

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The Monarch is a very old ship, we sailed her back in 1998. She has just had a recent refit, about a year ago. Food wise, I think that RCI is about level with Princess, maybe a tad better based on our last few cruises on both lines. We have never done a 3/4 day cruise. The itinerary out of LA doesn't thrill us and Florida is way too far away for such a short cruise. Our daughter did the four day over the New Year and enjoyed it. She said it was relaxing, service was great, but it was cold. But as Keith & Rita pointed out, there are no bad cruises. Cruising out of San Pedro is also a breeze. You can park so close to the dock, just a couple of hundred feet walk.

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Keith makes some good points, but you still want to know if your money will be well spent, or if you're better off going to a nice hotel and location on land. I'm not sure what part of CA you're from; but if, for e.g., you're from San Francisco, maybe a weekend in Monterray or wine country would be better than RCCL. That's why you need input, and why you asked the question.

There should be plenty of people who have actually sailed on RCCL, maybe even on this ship. We haven't sailed on either. C'mon, CCers, let's help Joey!

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Hi Joe

We live in LA County in the Valley... Santa Barbara is a bout 60/90 minutes 101 north so the wine region of santa barara and san luis obispo is a nice day trip for us and even a nicer weekend get away

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We have sailed RCI for many years and have done many short cruises with them since we live so close to Port Canaveral. It doesn't compare to Celebrity or HAL in any way. Short cruises tend to have more of a party atmosphere especially in the summer and school break months. I love the short cruises only to give us a break from the grind but always prefer longer ones of course.

My friends live in San Diego and have cruises on the Monarch frequently and loved it. They too prefer Celebrity for longer cruises but love the Monarch for a quick get away.

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Joey, we sent my youngest son and his wife on the Monarch of the Seas for their honeymoon. We specifically picked that itinerary and that ship because she had never been on a cruise and was leary about going. My son has been on many cruises, and he didn't care, as long as he could get on a cruise. We put them into a suite...because it was their honeymoon.

Needless to say, she loved everything about cruising and will go on longer cruises and better itinerary. But the Monarch stops in San Diego, so that's why we sent them on that one as opposed to a Carnival that skips San Diego and does a day at sea.

But driving to the port, as you know, is a dream...no flying, it's easy. I'd say go for it. The food was good, the entertainment good...they had a great time.

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