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Roll Call Celebrity Millennium 10/29/2006

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You know I've been thinking about the Greek Island Buffet on deck. It should be awesome, as we're only departing at 11 pm. This is one of the most picturesque places to anchor off, plus the gorgeous sunset should make this a very different evening to all the others on this European itinerary. I'm truly looking forward to this.

Villefranche - there is a great little bar, I think restaurant too although we only sat there sipping wine....right on the water near when our tender comes ashore. This is such a quaint village - we're really looking forward to exploring it this time around. Another late evening here in a beautiful setting.

We have made our final decision to keep our packing light - Dark suit for Tony and sports jacket for other evenings - no tux this time, so plenty of mix and match for me, but we'll make good use of the laundry. we're also going to probably only take 1 carryon for the 2 of us. What's the point of the other one - no wine...no olive oil.... no perfume...no shampoo....no - oh well, I'm just glad that we'll be safe!!!

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well i will pack and then look again and re pack will take somethings out i am sure....

we they approved all my vacation except nov 11th and 12th :sealedlips: LOL LOL going to be calling in sick from venice LOLhope theres no echo when i call in LOL ... i hope i can be convincing

i will also be taking the pillow we are flying red eye from dulles to barcelona

hoping the flight is not that full so, i can put the legs up in a couple seats and relax...we are flying austrian air

one luggage check in and one carry on is it for me and spare suitcase folded up in big suitcase for dity clothes to make room for goodies to bring home...

bubble wrapping the olive oil, to bring home...i have to find those 2 gallon ziploc's

no plans for weekend except work we will be busy .. everyone will be hitting the roads .. everyone traveling please be safe, wear your seatbelts

tonia :cool:

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Yes, you may make the correction on our trip page. Thank you. We have Joe and Pat and Bob and Pam joining us on the tour.

For the holiday, our Sunday School class is having a cook out and other than that, we will be having a quiet weekend.

Safe travel to all that will be on the road, rail or in the air.

Mary Ann

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Hello Everyone!

I hope everyone has a fun and safe holiday weekend. The last hurrah of summer! I don't have too many plans for the weekend. We are getting pelted with rain here right now-- courtesy of the remnants of Ernesto!

I have to try to enjoy this weekend anyway. I have to work nights starting Monday thru the following Monday AM. Tonia-- you and I will be on the same schedule. When I've done this in the past, I feel pretty isolated from the rest of the world because I'm on a different schedule, so I'm hoping to spend some time with my family this weekend.


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Good Morning! It is finally clearing up here (MD). We had 4-1/2" of rain and lots of wind. Lots of leaves and small branches in the yard to clean up. The rain was good because we were so dry. Hardly any in Aug. Looks good for our church picnic tomorrow. I've started laying out stuff in our spare bedroom to take on our trip. Everyone have a good weekend!

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Yeah!!! We are done with the shopping.... Just went to Target picked up undershirts and a 1GB memory Card for the camera.. we have officially finished shopping for this cruise... I am so glad.... Now just finalize clothing options.... ( thank you Levi- Strauss) and we are in relax kick back mode...

We get back later than I like I think we Land at 9:30pm baggage in hand by 10:15pm .. and I know i will be Tired and irritable...so i, we will need that personal service returning...I Just need to decide should we take limo both ways to LAX as it is now in order to make our 8:30pm flight that requires us to be checked in 2 hours ahead .. we have to leave our home around 3:30pm no later than 4:15pm

53 days and counting down till we fly..............

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