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Roll Call Celebrity Sumitt 01/20/2007

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Hi there,

It looks as though the Summit was a "bleach" cruise on the 11/25 PC San Juan to Los Angeles! According to some on the cruise, quite a few passengers and crew were quaranteened several days, and the crew was constantly cleaning and spraying. But, the passengers who posted seem to indicate that the cruise was fabulous. Hopefully, the bugs are gone, and everything will be fine for our trip.

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Avie - are you talking about that novo or noro virus or whatever it is called?? On our ship?? That would be the pitts.

Ole got that kind of sickness on our trip to Australia. It hit him hard after we went on a Great Barrier Reef snorkel trip. We blamed the equipment, but who knows. I, however, did not catch it from him, so it wasn't that contagious. We doubted it was food because we ate the same thing. Anyway, good way to put a damper on a trip!

Avie - are you talking about that novo or noro virus or whatever it is called?? On our ship?? That would be the pitts.

Ole got that kind of sickness on our trip to Australia. It hit him hard after we went on a Great Barrier Reef snorkel trip. We blamed the equipment, but who knows. I, however, did not catch it from him, so it wasn't that contagious. We doubted it was food because we ate the same thing. Anyway, good way to put a damper on a trip!

OK, what is with this crazy thing, I can't even figure out how to respond now to your posts!!

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From the reports that were posted, yes, it was "our ship." And it probably was norovirus. The particiular trip has not been posted on the CDC website, as there were probably not enough people (3% of the pasengers and/or crew) stricken. However, the prior trip was listed, but the diagnosis is still pending. The CDC website is http://www.cdc.gov/nceh/vsp/surv/GIlist.htm#2006. It is most interesting and you might want to check it out. But it is time to think "good thoughts" and be convinced that our cruise will not be affected! When all else fails, there is always the Martini Bar.


I see that the movie about the Marshall Univ. football team will be opening next week. Are you planning to go? I recall the very sad event. And I was never very happy to fly into Huntington. I used to be in district court in Catlettsburg, KY regularly, and I usually flew into Huntington. The power lines on the approach always raised the level of anxiety.

It looks as though the vacation time I scheduled beginning this coming Tuesday, and ending January 8 will go down the tubes. The most recent due date for an assignment that I'm working on will necessitate my working on it during the holday season and probably up to the time we leave. But it will be done!

A good holiday to all.


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[/size] I imagine we will go see the movie .. I had known one of the survivors that drove back to the campus thus wasn't on that flight.. I was never nervous about Huntington it was always Charleston sitting up on the mountain top that always makes me antsy.... :biggrin:

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I was never nervous about Huntington it was always Charleston sitting up on the mountain top that always makes me antsy.... :biggrin:

"Charley West" was okay -- You were always guaranteed to land in a 90 degree cross wind on the exceedingly short runway. And on takeoff, the pilot never had to lift off. He/she would just go off the end of the runway and the plane was then airborne. LOL

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