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first time cruiser, advice or comments welcome

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It sounds as if you are already booked, so I'll focus instead on what to do on board.

First, there are so many activities from which to choose. Remember, you don't have to do them all. You will be worn out. But, do take advantage of at least a few. It's a great way to meet other passengers, and this does enhance the cruise.

Take a shore excursion in each port to get the most of the experience. I usually go with ship tours -- unless I have a recommendation of a private vendor from someone I trust. There are also some ports in which you can make your own tour by doing research ahead of time. Let us know what your ports are, and we can help you with your options.

One thing I do now that I wish I had done from the beginning is to keep a cruise journal. It doesn't have to be elaborate -- just jot down a few thoughts about your day before turning in for the evening. I love re-reading some of my journals from years ago.

Enjoy dinner in the main dining rooms. This may sound strange to some of the seasoned cruisers here, but many of the first-timers I know personally (neighbors, for instance) see the buffet on the first day, like it, and then take all their meals there. Dinner in the main dining room is a real treat, especially as it will be just the two of you without kids.

Also -- and I might have put this first -- check your dining time when you board. It will be on the room key card you are given at check-in. If the time is not to your satisfaction, head directly to one of the main dining rooms, where the maitre d' will be set up to handle any dining time changes. The sooner you get there, the better.

Most importantly, enjoy!!! And, don't sweat the small stuff.

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We loved the Conquest - and the Western Caribbean is just the right itinerary to "get your feet wet" so to speak!

If you can - try to add on a few days either before or after your cruise. We had never been to Texas and we loved it. The friendliest people I have ever met (apart from the fact they "fry" criminals on a regular basis :grin: )

I was taking pictures of a beautiful old house in Galveston and a gentelman came outside on his porch and invited us in for tea. Unfortunately we didn't have time to take him up on it - but it was nice to be asked. We also spent and entire day at the Space Centre in Houston.

One tip - Greenspoint (a Houston suburb) is a nono - stay away from

there :tongue: It was really scary.

We are in British Columbia (near Vancouver) - almost neighbours tee-hee.

We changed planes in Salt Lake City so I guess I can say I've been to Utah. Want to try Wendover (the Nevada side!) one of these days - have you been there?

Two things to always take with you when cruising your sense of humour (for those long lines) and your appetite. If you need any info just ask - and welcome to crazies!

Oh - by the way - I'm a lady so when you are talking to me you should take your hat off :wink:

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