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Celebrity Millenium Med - 21 October 2007

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it was a mix of temps on our cruise

some night it was nice to sit on the balcony others is was rainy and chilly....

i was not prepared for the weather we had... some places was great for just a light jacket .. others it was OMG COLD rainy...i had to buy gloves ... a heavier sweater...and a scarf get deal on them too...

this is a very busy cruise so rest when ya can... thank god for thew theraphy pool i would have never made it


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Hey there Joey ,,,, ya know anything is possible....boy i hope your kinda wrong about the hurricane season....i really don't want to have to not go on my cruise.... i last time i went our of florida hurricane andrew was just two weeks b4 ....... so i am trying positive thinking ..." NO HURRICANE"


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Hi there and welcome to the crazies board...

Great cruise. wish we were going back again. We were two of the crazies who went last year and had a ball.

As far as weather, we were impressed with how nice it was. Virtually no rain and for us- who are from the northeast, we thought it was pretty balmy most of the time. :biggrin: Joey and Tonia might have a different opinion coming from sunny southern california. :rolleyes2:

We visited with friends who had a balcony room and we sat outside in the early evening- light coat did the trick.

Like joey said- ask away if you have questions. happy planning!

Gail and Paul

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You will have a great time -- we were on the cruise with Joey, Love2travel and Terumim -- we too felt that the weather was almost perfect -- it rained only for part of one day -- and a light jacket was all that we needed. The best thing about October is that the crowds are smaller and it is easier to get around. If you need any more information just ask.[/size]

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Hi All

Thank you all for your replies. This is our first cruise and my wife and I will be celebrating our 25th wedding anniversary. We are so excited, and the anticipation leading up to the cruise is almost as exciting as actually heading off.

The people here on this forum really make us feel part of a friendly community and it just adds to our anticipitation.

One more question, does the Mediterranium get much of a swell and can we expect much swaying on the ship? We don't mind, just curious.

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i only recall one rough day ... other then that it was wonderful....

it must be that i am from california that it was chilly LOL .. anything below 60 and i get crazy LOL LOL

anything more just ask....

in florence try looking for a restaurant called PAULI's omg the best soup and they made a wonderful salad right in front of us and it was great

Tonia :wacko:

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